Studying quantum materials with scanning SQUID microscopy

E Persky, I Sochnikov, B Kalisky - Annual Review of Condensed …, 2022‏ -
Electronic correlations give rise to fascinating macroscopic phenomena such as
superconductivity, magnetism, and topological phases of matter. Although these …

High-temperature superconductivity and its robustness against magnetic polarization in monolayer FeSe on EuTiO3

C Liu, H Shin, A Doll, HH Kung, RP Day… - npj Quantum …, 2021‏ -
Spin degree of freedom generally plays an important role in unconventional
superconductivity. In many of the iron-based compounds, superconductivity is found in close …

Microscopic origin of the Dynes parameter of the interface superconductor

H Boschker, E Fillis-Tsirakis, C Richter, D Zhang… - Physical Review B, 2020‏ - APS
The superconducting density of states of the two-dimensional electron system at the LaAlO 3–
SrTiO 3 interface exhibits broad quasiparticle peaks that are well described by the Dynes …

Fe3O4 thin films epitaxially growth model on TiO2-terminated SrTiO3 (100)

B Cheng, X Liu, J Hu - Micro and Nanostructures, 2022‏ - Elsevier
The advanced interface of Fe 3 O 4/SrTiO 3, popular in spintronic, has attracted
considerable attention. Some experiments have given controversial results on the structure …

Study of 4+ and 3+ titanate oxide thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy

H Shin - 2023‏ -
The perovskite structure oxides, ABO₃, have been the subject of considerable interest in
the fundamental science and industrial fields due to their distinctive physical properties and …

Capacitive probing of electronic phase separation in an oxide two-dimensional electron system

S Smink, H Boschker, A Brinkman, J Mannhart… - Physical Review B, 2022‏ - APS
Interfaces between specific complex oxides host two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs)
with strong electron-electron interactions. This combination yields a rich phenomenology …

[PDF][PDF] A Spin-polarized two dimensional electron gas at the EuTiO3 (001) surface

R Di Capua, M Radovic, NC Plumb, JH Dil, Z Ristic… - arxiv e …, 2020‏ -
The discovery of a surface/interfacial quasi 2-dimensional electron gas (q2DEG) in SrTiO3
[1, 2, 3] boosted expectations for novel oxide electronics due the intriguing and rich physics …

[PDF][PDF] Growth and Transport Properties of [Rare Earth] TiO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces

N Lebedev - Nature Physics, 2011‏ - scholarlypublications …
Oxide interfaces, mainly based on the SrTiO3 (STO), are systems that have significant
freedom of manipulating various properties by applying a gate voltage. Among them …