Covert research: The art, politics and ethics of undercover fieldwork
D Calvey - 2017 -
Abstruse, bamboozle, betray, blagging, bogus, cagey, camouflaged, chameleon, cheating,
chicanery, circumvent, clandestine, cloaked, closet, con, concealed, counterfeit, crafty …
chicanery, circumvent, clandestine, cloaked, closet, con, concealed, counterfeit, crafty …
Creating a Nexus between dark triad personalities, non-performing assets, corporate governance and frauds in the Indian Banking sector
Purpose The banking sector requires a major comeback with the series of bank frauds that
has shook the nation. The rising non-performing assets (NPAs) and corporate frauds find …
has shook the nation. The rising non-performing assets (NPAs) and corporate frauds find …
Encouraging bureaucrats to report corruption: human resource management and whistleblowing
CA Cooper - Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Although notoriously hierarchical, rigid and impersonal, bureaucracy has recently become
the unsung hero in the fight against corruption. Recent studies suggest that countries whose …
the unsung hero in the fight against corruption. Recent studies suggest that countries whose …
Blow whistle, should I or shouldn't I: a study on moderating effect of perceived organizational support on intention to blow the whistle among Indian Government …
PN Tudu - Society and Business Review, 2021 -
Purpose This paper aims to understand an employee's intention toward whistleblowing by
analyzing Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behavior (TPB) and Graham's principled …
analyzing Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behavior (TPB) and Graham's principled …
Fighting corruption: contemporary measures in Canada
AK Jain - Canada's Corruption at Home and Abroad, 2018 -
The fight against the breed of corruption that exists in Canada today requires a two-pronged
approach: reduction of economic rents that can be exploited through corruption, and …
approach: reduction of economic rents that can be exploited through corruption, and …
A study into the relationship between whistleblowing, personal ethical values and organizational commitment: Hirschman's exit, voice and loyalty in tourism
Presently, unethical practices are a major concern in almost every sector. Among these
industries is tourism. Requiring large expenditure of labor in particular is one of the causes …
industries is tourism. Requiring large expenditure of labor in particular is one of the causes …
Administrative culture and the performance of accountability institutions in public organizations: An analysis of the implementation of anti-corruption strategies in …
G Onyango - 2018 -
The pursuit of bureaucratic accountability and regulatory controls through political-
administrative reforms have become problematic in contemporary public management …
administrative reforms have become problematic in contemporary public management …
Bilgi ifşası, bireysel etik değerler ve örgütel bağlılık ilişkisi: seyahat işletmesi çalışanları örnekleminde incelenmesi
S Güven - 2023 -
Bilgi ifşası, örgütlerde hatalı uygulamaların, sorunu çözebilme yeteneğine sahip içsel ya da
dışsal taraflara gönüllülük esasına dayalı olarak, faaliyeti sonlandırmak adına …
dışsal taraflara gönüllülük esasına dayalı olarak, faaliyeti sonlandırmak adına …
Social norms and attitudes towards corruption: comparative insights from East Africa
C Baez-Camargo, A Dufitumukiza… - … , Social Sciences and …, 2019 -
This chapter presents empirical evidence from the application of a behavioural research
perspective to shed light on how collective practices of petty corruption are experienced …
perspective to shed light on how collective practices of petty corruption are experienced …
Map** the whistleblowing research landscape: a bibliometric analysis of studies between 2000 and 2021
This research conducts a bibliometric analysis to explore and map key areas of
whistleblowing literature. The main goal is to develop a taxonomy of subareas and propose …
whistleblowing literature. The main goal is to develop a taxonomy of subareas and propose …