When is proactivity wise? A review of factors that influence the individual outcomes of proactive behavior

SK Parker, Y Wang, J Liao - Annual Review of Organizational …, 2019 - annualreviews.org
There is solid evidence that proactivity, defined as self-initiated and future-focused action to
change oneself or the situation, can positively benefit individuals and organizations …

Career self-management as a key factor for career wellbeing

F Wilhelm, A Hirschi - Theory, research and dynamics of career wellbeing …, 2019 - Springer
Career self-management (CSM) is an important factor for achieving career wellbeing and is
becoming increasingly crucial in career environments characterized by higher volatility …

[HTML][HTML] Green transformational leadership and employees' taking charge behavior: The mediating role of personal initiative and the moderating role of green …

Y Du, M Yan - International journal of environmental research and …, 2022 - mdpi.com
The green transformation of organizations requires employees not only to achieve
environmentally friendly workflows within their duties, but also to go beyond their own …

Creating meaning by taking initiative: Proactive work behavior fosters work meaningfulness

D Fay, K Strauss, C Schwake, T Urbach - Applied Psychology, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
We argue that proactive work behavior's future orientation allows individuals to establish a
connection with the future and thus to experience their work as meaningful. We further …

Why and when does voice lead to increased job engagement? The role of perceived voice appreciation and emotional stability

M Weiss, H Zacher - Journal of Vocational behavior, 2022 - Elsevier
Research has shown that employee voice (ie, speaking up with constructive suggestions at
work) can be beneficial to organizational functioning, but much less research has looked at …

The impact of work-related use of information and communication technologies after hours on time theft

C Xu, Z Yao, Z **ong - Journal of Business Ethics, 2023 - Springer
Time theft is a prevalent, costly, and generally discreet employee activity in firms;
nonetheless, very limited research is available on it. To explore why, how, and when …

[HTML][HTML] How entrepreneurs influence their employees' job satisfaction: The double-edged sword of proactive personality

U Stephan, K Strauss, MJ Gorgievski… - Journal of Business …, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper aims to enhance our understanding of work and wellbeing in the entrepreneurial
society. We integrate research on proactive personality (PP) and job design to explore how …

Going full circle: Integrating research on career adaptation and proactivity

UC Klehe, U Fasbender, A van der Horst - Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2021 - Elsevier
Career adaptability as a resource and adaptation as a process are essential concepts in
career research and counseling, inspired by and building on a long tradition in vocational …

Who stays proactive after entrepreneurship training? N eed for cognition, personal initiative maintenance, and well‐being

M Mensmann, M Frese - Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Personal initiative training is a promising way to increase entrepreneurial personal initiative,
which is a key behavior for successful entrepreneurship. Although personal initiative training …

Human–bot co-working: job outcomes and employee responses

YQ Zhu, K Kanjanamekanant - Industrial Management & Data …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose Robotic process automation (RPA) has been widely implemented to automate
digital tasks. The resulting new type of human–bot co-working environment, however, has …