[HTML][HTML] Advancements in heterojunction, cocatalyst, defect and morphology engineering of semiconductor oxide photocatalysts
Photocatalytic technology has emerged as a crucial avenue for harnessing solar energy,
presenting itself as a viable solution to address the current energy crisis and environmental …
presenting itself as a viable solution to address the current energy crisis and environmental …
ZnO nanostructures–Future frontiers in photocatalysis, solar cells, sensing, supercapacitor, fingerprint technologies, toxicity, and clinical diagnostics
Zinc is the most abundant and broadly studied metal oxide semiconductor. Its photophysical
properties include optical, electrical, magnetic, catalytic, sensing, energy storage …
properties include optical, electrical, magnetic, catalytic, sensing, energy storage …
Oxygen vacancy engineering in photocatalysis
Photocatalysis, which converts natural solar energy into chemical energy, has emerged as
one of the most appealing technologies in the past decades. However, photocatalytic …
one of the most appealing technologies in the past decades. However, photocatalytic …
Super water‐extracting gels for solar‐powered volatile organic compounds management in the hydrological cycle
Water‐soluble volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are widely spread in the natural
hydrological cycle, contaminating potential water sources, and leading to unexpected …
hydrological cycle, contaminating potential water sources, and leading to unexpected …
[HTML][HTML] 1, 4-Benzoquinone and 1, 4-hydroquinone based determination of electron and superoxide radical formed in heterogeneous photocatalytic systems
Abstract In competition-based experiments, 1, 4-benzoquinone (BQ) has been a frequently
applied compound for determination of the role of O 2 radical dot− radicals. In those studies …
applied compound for determination of the role of O 2 radical dot− radicals. In those studies …
Intimate coupling of photocatalysis and biodegradation for wastewater treatment: mechanisms, recent advances and environmental applications
Due to the increase of emerging contaminants in water, how to use new treatment
technology to make up for the defects of traditional wastewater treatment method has …
technology to make up for the defects of traditional wastewater treatment method has …
Recent advances in syntheses, properties and applications of TiO 2 nanostructures
TiO2 is a compound of great importance due to its remarkable catalytic and distinctive
semiconducting properties. It is also a chemically stable, non-toxic and biocompatible …
semiconducting properties. It is also a chemically stable, non-toxic and biocompatible …
Noble metal-based bimetallic nanoparticles: the effect of the structure on the optical, catalytic and photocatalytic properties
Nanoparticles composed of two different metal elements show novel electronic, optical,
catalytic or photocatalytic properties from monometallic nanoparticles. Bimetallic …
catalytic or photocatalytic properties from monometallic nanoparticles. Bimetallic …
Oxygen Vacancy Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Pervoskite SrTiO3
A facile and general method has been developed to fabricate oxygen vacancies on
perovskite SrTiO3 (STO) nanocrystals through a controllable solid-state reaction of NaBH4 …
perovskite SrTiO3 (STO) nanocrystals through a controllable solid-state reaction of NaBH4 …
Vacancy associates promoting solar-driven photocatalytic activity of ultrathin bismuth oxychloride nanosheets
Crystal facet engineering of semiconductors is of growing interest and an important strategy
for fine-tuning solar-driven photocatalytic activity. However, the primary factor in the exposed …
for fine-tuning solar-driven photocatalytic activity. However, the primary factor in the exposed …