Language in international business: A review and agenda for future research

H Tenzer, S Terjesen, AW Harzing - Management international review, 2017 - Springer
A fast growing number of studies demonstrates that language diversity influences almost all
management decisions in modern multinational corporations. Whereas no doubt remains …

A review of language-sensitive research in International Business: A multi-paradigmatic reading

R Piekkari, C Gaibrois, M Johansson - Journal of Comparative …, 2022 -
This paper reviews language-sensitive research in International Business (IB) by asking
how paradigmatic positions affect knowledge production in this field of study. Paradigms …

The “language” of career success: The effects of English language competence on local employees' career outcomes in foreign subsidiaries

V Peltokorpi - Journal of International Business Studies, 2023 - Springer
Multinational corporations often are multilingual entities, yet surprisingly little is known about
how foreign-language competencies in their foreign subsidiaries are related to local …

[HTML][HTML] Language and identity: The dynamics of linguistic clustering in multinational enterprises

K Kalra, W Danis - Journal of World Business, 2024 - Elsevier
Research on language diversity in international business has shown that language is a core
element of one's social identity and employees in MNEs often form homophily-based …

When little things make a big difference: A Bourdieusian perspective on skilled migrants' linguistic, social, and economic capital in multinational corporations

V Peltokorpi, J **e - Journal of International Business Studies, 2023 - Springer
While general foreign language proficiency is shown to provide important power and career-
related advantages to employees in organizations, surprisingly little is known about how and …

Linguistic capital and status: The interaction between language skills, personal reputation, and perceived collaboration performance

J Lauring, IO Vulchanov… - European Management …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Although language has become a central theme in international business and management
research, this stream still holds many unexplored research avenues. One area that has …

Language proficiency and media richness in global virtual teams: Impacts on satisfaction, inclusion, and task accomplishment

AC Fleischmann, J Aritz, P Cardon - ACM Transactions on Social …, 2020 -
Virtual teams that use integrated communication platforms are ubiquitous in cross-border
collaboration. This study explores the use of communication media and team outcomes …

Foreign language proficiency, career behaviors, and turnover‐related outcomes: A social cognitive career theory perspective of host country national employees in …

V Peltokorpi, A Presbitero - Applied Psychology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
While the majority of employees in foreign subsidiaries are host country nationals (HCNs)
who use English as a second language in their work tasks, little research focuses on the …

A fifth wheel? Local language skills and work-related outcomes among foreign employees

A Koveshnikov, I Björkman, P Kähäri - The InTernaTIonal Journal …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on person-job fit theory, we theorize and empirically analyze the effects of host
country language skills on two work-related outcomes: workplace social support and …

[BOK][B] Reconceptualizing English for International business contexts: A BELF approach and its educational implications

E Dedović-Atilla, V Dubravac - 2022 -
This book presents a critique of current English as a Business Lingua Franca (BELF)
practices using research conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The authors identify …