Improvement of dyes removal from aqueous solution by Nanosized cobalt ferrite treated with humic acid during coprecipitation

SM Ibrahim, AA Badawy, HA Essawy - Journal of Nanostructure in …, 2019 - Springer
Highly effective novel adsorbent [CoFe 2 O 4-humic acid (HA)] was synthesized by co-
precipitation technique at pH 6 (H6) and pH 8 (H8). XRD, S BET and Zeta-potential …

Synthesis and characterizatation of magnetite nanoparticle coated humic acid (Fe3O4/HA)

S Koesnarpadi, SJ Santosa, D Siswanta… - Procedia Environmental …, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Magnetite nanoparticles (Fe 3 O 4) coated humic acids (HA) by a co-precipitation
method using ammonium hydroxide. The HA was extracted from peat soil of Sambutan, East …

Humic acid coated Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticle for phenol sorption

S Koesnarpadi, SJ Santosa, D Siswanta… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2017 -
The coating Fe 3 O 4 using humic acid (HA) to form HA-coated Fe 3 O 4 (Fe 3 O 4/HA) was
conducted and applied for phenol sorption. Fe 3 O 4/HA was prepared using co-precipitation …

Immobilization of Humic Acid on Chitosan using Protected Cross-linking Reaction Method and Its Application as Sorbent for Pb (II), Cd (II), and Cr (III)

UT Santoso, D Umaningrum, U Irawati… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2008 -
Immobilization of humic acid (HA) on chitosan has been done by using a protected cross-
linking reaction method and the product was then utilized as sorbent for Pb (II), Cd (II), and …

Iron-Based Nanomaterials: Effect on Soil Microbes and Soil Health

KK Kasem, M Mostafa, KA Abd-Elsalam - … : Environmental and Agricultural …, 2019 - Springer
Soil-based ecosystems have a vital role in preserving soil status, ecosystem functions, and
crop productivity. Soil microorganisms, soil fertility, and soil health are confronted by new …

Immobilization of humic acid onto chitosan using tosylation method with 1, 4-butanediol as a spacer arm

UT Santoso, R Nurmasari, D Umaningrum… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2012 -
Immobilization of humic acid (HA) onto chitosan using tosylation method with 1, 4-butanediol
as a spacer arm has been evaluated. Chitosan was phthaloylated selectively using phthalic …

Characterization of sorbent produced through immobilization of humic acid on chitosan using glutaraldehyde as cross-linking agent and Pb (II) ion as active site …

UT Santoso, SJ Santosa, D Siswanta… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2010 -
Sorbent produced through immobilization of humic acid (HA) on chitosan using
glutaraldehyde as cross-linking agent and Pb (II) ions as active site protector has been …

[CITATION][C] Evaluation of humic acid activation with epichlorohydrin and its interaction with chitosan

UT Santoso, SJ Santosa, D Siswanta, B Rusdiarso… - Proceeding of The 2 nd …, 2010