Evolution of microstructure and crystallographic texture in deformed and annealed BCC metals and alloys: a review

V Tandon, KS Park, R Khatirkar, A Gupta, SH Choi - Metals, 2024 - mdpi.com
Dislocation slips, twinning, shear banding (SBs), strain localization, and martensite
formation are a few deformation modes that are activated in BCC metals and alloys. Strain …

Texture formation in metal alloys with cubic crystal structures

LAI Kestens, H Pirgazi - Materials Science and Technology, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
The present paper gives a concise overview of a number of current issues in the literature on
texture formation in alloys with cubic crystal structures, mainly steel and aluminium alloys. As …

[KNYGA][B] Introduction to texture analysis: macrotexture, microtexture and orientation map**

V Randle, O Engler - 2000 - taylorfrancis.com
Encompassing the concepts, practice, and application of orientation analysis, Introduction to
Texture Analysis is an essential reference source for reserachers in textiles. The author uses …

Effects of Laves phase particles on recovery and recrystallization behaviors of Nb-containing FeCrAl alloys

Z Sun, PD Edmondson, Y Yamamoto - Acta Materialia, 2018 - Elsevier
The microstructures and mechanical properties of deformed and annealed Nb-containing
FeCrAl alloys were investigated. Fine dispersion of Fe 2 Nb-type Laves phase particles was …

Effect of intermediate annealing on texture, formability and ridging of 17% Cr ferritic stainless steel sheet

MY Huh, O Engler - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2001 - Elsevier
In order to improve the formability of ferritic stainless steel (FSS) sheets, the crystallographic
texture of the sheets was modified by way of an intermediate annealing (IA) during the cold …

Microstructural control of FeCrAl alloys using Mo and Nb additions

Z Sun, H Bei, Y Yamamoto - Materials Characterization, 2017 - Elsevier
The effects of Mo and Nb additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of two
FeCrAl alloys were studied. Fine and uniform recrystallized grain structures (~ 20–30 μm) …

Field fluctuations viscoplastic self-consistent crystal plasticity: Applications to predicting texture evolution during deformation and recrystallization of cubic …

IA Riyad, M Knezevic - Acta Materialia, 2023 - Elsevier
Recent advances pertaining to modeling of grain fragmentation during deformation and
recrystallization of polycrystalline metals using viscoplastic self-consistent (VPSC) …

Modelling recrystallization textures driven by intragranular fluctuations implemented in the viscoplastic self-consistent formulation

M Zecevic, RA Lebensohn, RJ McCabe, M Knezevic - Acta Materialia, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper presents a recrystallization model driven by intragranular orientation gradients
and strain energy fields calculated by means of the viscoplastic self-consistent (VPSC) …

Effect of stored energy and recovery on the overall recrystallization kinetics of a cold rolled low carbon steel

M Oyarzábal, A Martínez-de-Guerenu… - Materials Science and …, 2008 - Elsevier
The evolution of recrystallization kinetics of a cold rolled low carbon steel with an initial
coarse grain size and heterogeneous microstructure is studied by means of nucleation and …

Effects of annealing temperature on the microstructure, textures and tensile properties of cold-rolled Fe–13Cr–4Al alloys with different Nb contents

Y Zhang, H Wang, H Sun, G Chen - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020 - Elsevier
In this study, four Fe–13Cr–4Al alloys with different Nb contents (0–1.5 wt%) were prepared
by using vacuum induction melting, forging, hot rolling, and cold rolling. The effects of …