Enantiomer-dependent immunological response to chiral nanoparticles
Chirality is a unifying structural metric of biological and abiological forms of matter. Over the
past decade, considerable clarity has been achieved in understanding the chemistry and …
past decade, considerable clarity has been achieved in understanding the chemistry and …
Biochemistry and biomedicine of quantum dots: from biodetection to bioimaging, drug discovery, diagnostics, and therapy
According to recent research, nanotechnology based on quantum dots (QDs) has been
widely applied in the field of bioimaging, drug delivery, and drug analysis. Therefore, it has …
widely applied in the field of bioimaging, drug delivery, and drug analysis. Therefore, it has …
Are existing standard methods suitable for the evaluation of nanomedicines: some case studies
The use of nanotechnology in medical products has been demonstrated at laboratory scale,
and many resulting nanomedicines are in the translational phase toward clinical …
and many resulting nanomedicines are in the translational phase toward clinical …
Toxicity of different types of quantum dots to mammalian cells in vitro: an update review
N Liu, M Tang - Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020 - Elsevier
Currently, there are a great quantity type of quantum dots (QDs) that has been developed by
researchers. Depending on the core material, they can be roughly divided into cadmium …
researchers. Depending on the core material, they can be roughly divided into cadmium …
Ligand-induced chirality and optical activity in semiconductor nanocrystals: theory and applications
Chirality is one of the most fascinating occurrences in the natural world and plays a crucial
role in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, and medicine. Chirality has also been …
role in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, and medicine. Chirality has also been …
Effect of chiral ligand concentration and binding mode on chiroptical activity of CdSe/CdS quantum dots
Chiroptically active fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals, quantum dots (QDs), are of high
interest from a theoretical and technological point of view, because they are promising …
interest from a theoretical and technological point of view, because they are promising …
Review of in vitro toxicological research of quantum dot and potentially involved mechanisms
Y Wang, M Tang - Science of the Total Environment, 2018 - Elsevier
Quantum dots (QDs) are one of emerging engineering nanomaterials (NMs) with
advantageous properties which can act as candidates for clinical imaging and diagnosis …
advantageous properties which can act as candidates for clinical imaging and diagnosis …
Chiroptical properties of semiconducting nanoplatelets functionalized by tartrate derivatives
Inducing chirality in semiconductor nanoparticles is a recent trend motivated by the possible
applications in circularly polarized light emission, spintronics, or stereoselective synthesis …
applications in circularly polarized light emission, spintronics, or stereoselective synthesis …
An update on the biological effects of quantum dots: From environmental fate to risk assessment based on multiple biological models
X Wang, T Wu - Science of the total environment, 2023 - Elsevier
Quantum dots (QDs) are zero-dimension nanomaterials with excellent physical and
chemical properties, which have been widely used in environmental science and …
chemical properties, which have been widely used in environmental science and …
Threonine functionalized colloidal cadmium sulfide (CdS) quantum dots: The role of solvent and counterion in ligand induced chiroptical properties
The functionalization of semiconductor nanocrystals, quantum dots (QDs), with small organic
molecules has been studied extensively to gain better knowledge on how to tune the …
molecules has been studied extensively to gain better knowledge on how to tune the …