[HTML][HTML] The impact of a minimum unit price on wholesale alcohol supply trends in the Northern Territory, Australia
Abstract Objective The Northern Territory (NT) Government introduced a minimum unit price
(MUP) of $1.30 per standard drink (10g pure alcohol) explicitly aimed at reducing the …
(MUP) of $1.30 per standard drink (10g pure alcohol) explicitly aimed at reducing the …
[HTML][HTML] Increasing the price of alcohol as an obesity prevention measure: The potential cost-effectiveness of introducing a uniform volumetric tax and a minimum floor …
The objective of this study was to estimate, from an obesity prevention perspective, the cost-
effectiveness of two potential policies that increase the price of alcohol in Australia: a …
effectiveness of two potential policies that increase the price of alcohol in Australia: a …
Evaluation of Alcohol Taxes as a Public Health Opportunity to Reduce Liver Transplant Listings for Alcohol‐Related Liver Disease
Background Alcohol‐related liver disease (ALD) is a leading indication for liver
transplantation. Methods State consumption of spirits, wine, and beer was determined from …
transplantation. Methods State consumption of spirits, wine, and beer was determined from …
Minimum Unit Pricing voor alcohol. Onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid van invoering in Nederland
Mensen die veel alcohol drinken kiezen vaak voor goedkopere producten. In enkele landen,
zoals Schotland en Canada, zijn deze goedkopere alcoholproducten daarom duurder …
zoals Schotland en Canada, zijn deze goedkopere alcoholproducten daarom duurder …
Alcohol-Related Liver Disease in the US: Projections of Future Burden and Economic Evaluation of Pricing Policies
A Avancena - 2022 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
Alcohol-related liver disease (ALD) is a set of conditions caused by repeated liver injury that
results from chronic and excessive alcohol consumption. ALD is a significant cause of …
results from chronic and excessive alcohol consumption. ALD is a significant cause of …