Preconditioners for Krylov subspace methods: An overview
When simulating a mechanism from science or engineering, or an industrial process, one is
frequently required to construct a mathematical model, and then resolve this model …
frequently required to construct a mathematical model, and then resolve this model …
[CARTE][B] Domain decomposition methods-algorithms and theory
A Toselli, O Widlund - 2006 -
This book offers a comprehensive presentation of some of the most successful and popular
domain decomposition preconditioners for finite and spectral element approximations of …
domain decomposition preconditioners for finite and spectral element approximations of …
[CARTE][B] Domain decomposition methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations
TPA Mathew - 2008 - Springer
These notes serve as an introduction to a subject of study in computational mathematics
referred to as domain decomposition methods. It concerns divide and conquer methods for …
referred to as domain decomposition methods. It concerns divide and conquer methods for …
[PDF][PDF] Schwarz methods over the course of time
MJ Gander - Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal, 2008 -
Schwarz domain decomposition methods are the oldest domain decomposition methods.
They were invented by Hermann Amandus Schwarz in 1869 as an analytical tool to …
They were invented by Hermann Amandus Schwarz in 1869 as an analytical tool to …
Linear solvers for reservoir simulation problems: An overview and recent developments
Linear solvers for reservoir simulation applications are the objective of this review.
Specifically, we focus on techniques for Fully Implicit (FI) solution methods, in which the set …
Specifically, we focus on techniques for Fully Implicit (FI) solution methods, in which the set …
Why restricted additive Schwarz converges faster than additive Schwarz
E Efstathiou, MJ Gander - BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2003 - Springer
Recently a variant of the additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioner, the restricted additive
Schwarz (RAS) preconditioner has been introduced, and numerical experiments showed …
Schwarz (RAS) preconditioner has been introduced, and numerical experiments showed …
Multigrid solvers for immersed finite element methods and immersed isogeometric analysis
Ill-conditioning of the system matrix is a well-known complication in immersed finite element
methods and trimmed isogeometric analysis. Elements with small intersections with the …
methods and trimmed isogeometric analysis. Elements with small intersections with the …
A graph-based modeling abstraction for optimization: Concepts and implementation in plasmo. jl
We present a general graph-based modeling abstraction for optimization that we call an
OptiGraph. Under this abstraction, any optimization problem is treated as a hierarchical …
OptiGraph. Under this abstraction, any optimization problem is treated as a hierarchical …
Algebraic theory of multiplicative Schwarz methods
The convergence of multiplicative Schwarz-type methods for solving linear systems when
the coefficient matrix is either a nonsingular M-matrix or a symmetric positive definite matrix …
the coefficient matrix is either a nonsingular M-matrix or a symmetric positive definite matrix …
Hybrid Schwarz-multigrid methods for the spectral element method: Extensions to Navier-Stokes
PF Fischer, JW Lottes - Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and …, 2005 - Springer
The performance of multigrid methods for the standard Poisson problem and for the
consistent Poisson problem arising in spectral element discretizations of the Navier-Stokes …
consistent Poisson problem arising in spectral element discretizations of the Navier-Stokes …