Agriculture models for restoring degraded land to enhance CO2 biosequestration and carbon credits in the Vindhyan region of India
The study's objective was to evaluate the status of converted degraded land into productive
agricultural models by improving the physicochemical properties of the soil, soil organic …
agricultural models by improving the physicochemical properties of the soil, soil organic …
Assessment of land use systems for CO2 sequestration, carbon credit potential, and income security in Vindhyan region, India
Land‐use systems (LUSs) in the agriculture urgently need to be revised to reduce
greenhouse gases emissions (GHGs), and promote long‐term sustainability. This study …
greenhouse gases emissions (GHGs), and promote long‐term sustainability. This study …
Forest quality-based assessment of the Returning Farmland to Forest Program at the community level in SW China
W Li, J Chen, Z Zhang - Forest Ecology and Management, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The Returning Farmland to Forest Program (RFFP) has played an important role in
controlling soil erosion, increasing vegetation cover, and transforming rural livelihoods in …
controlling soil erosion, increasing vegetation cover, and transforming rural livelihoods in …
[PDF][PDF] Study and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals and Risk Element Pollution in Shallow Soil in Shanxi Province, China.
Q Sun, J Zheng, Z Sun, J Wang, Z Liu, W ** modules designed for soil restoration, CO2 sequestration, and generating carbon credits
This study aimed to know the potential of different crop** modules (CMs) that started on
the degraded land representing 4450 km2 of the Vindhyan region of India. The objective of …
the degraded land representing 4450 km2 of the Vindhyan region of India. The objective of …
Exploring the impact of land use change on soil quality under different ecosystems–a case study in the Nilgiri Hill region of Western Ghats global biodiversity hotspot
Purpose Changes in land use have an impact on ecosystem services by affecting soil
quality. Thus, soil quality assessment using the soil quality index (SQI) can help better …
quality. Thus, soil quality assessment using the soil quality index (SQI) can help better …
Variation of soil nutrients and bacterial community diversity of different land utilization types in Yangtze River Basin, Chongqing Municipality
Y Li, C Zeng, M Long - PeerJ, 2020 - peerj.com
The diversity and community distribution of soil bacteria in different land use types in
Yangtze River Basin, Chongqing Municipality were studied by using Illumina MiSeq analysis …
Yangtze River Basin, Chongqing Municipality were studied by using Illumina MiSeq analysis …
[PDF][PDF] Changes in soil physical properties and available Micronutrients as influenced by tillage and weed management strategies under diversified crop** system
The degradation of the soil caused by intensive tillage operations is a considerable
solicitude for the sustainable crop production in Southern Telangana Zone (STZ), India. The …
solicitude for the sustainable crop production in Southern Telangana Zone (STZ), India. The …
Modeling cation exchange capacity in gypsiferous soils using hybrid approach involving the artificial neural networks and ant colony optimization (ANN–ACO)
In this paper hybrid approach involving artificial neural networks and ant colony optimization
(ANN–ACO) model for cation exchange capacity (CEC) estimation investigated in …
(ANN–ACO) model for cation exchange capacity (CEC) estimation investigated in …
Influence of urban land use types on ecosystem services in two rapidly urbanizing cities of southwestern Nigeria
Many ecological functions in cities are based on urban soils. In order to meet the needs of
the expanding human population and the ensuing strain on natural resources, it is essential …
the expanding human population and the ensuing strain on natural resources, it is essential …