Nonequilibrium mechanics of active cytoskeletal networks

D Mizuno, C Tardin, CF Schmidt, FC MacKintosh - Science, 2007‏ -
Cells both actively generate and sensitively react to forces through their mechanical
framework, the cytoskeleton, which is a nonequilibrium composite material including …

Nonergodic diffusion of single atoms in a periodic potential

F Kindermann, A Dechant, M Hohmann, T Lausch… - Nature Physics, 2017‏ -
Diffusion can be used to infer the microscopic features of a system from the observation of its
macroscopic dynamics. Brownian motion accurately describes many diffusive systems, but …

100 years of Einstein's theory of Brownian motion: From pollen grains to protein trains—2

D Chowdhury - Resonance, 2005‏ - Springer
In this part, rotational Brownian motion and Brownian shape fluctuations of soft materials are
discussed. This is followed by an elementary introduction to two of the hottest topics in this …

Experimental evidence of thermal-like behavior in dense granular suspensions

N Sakaï, S Moulinet, F Lechenault, M Adda-Bedia - Physical Review Letters, 2019‏ - APS
We experimentally investigate the statistical behavior of a model two-dimensional granular
system undergoing stationary sedimentation. Buoyant cylindrical particles are rotated in a …

Short timescale Brownian motion and applications

J Mo - 2015‏ -
This dissertation details our experiments and numerical calculations on short timescale
Brownian motion and its applications. We test the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution using …

[ספר][B] Experimental investigation of phase behavior and the dynamics of vertically vibrated deep granular beds

KJ Ford - 2008‏ -
The behavior of static and vibrated granular beds is explored through measurements of the
power required to rotate a vane within the granular media and capacitance measurements …

Short-time Brownian motion

J Mo, MG Raizen - Optical Trap** and Optical …, 2017‏ -
This paper reviews our experiments and numerical calculations on short timescale Brownian
motion and its applications. We verified the modified Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution using …

Équation d'état et transition liquide-cristal dans une suspension granulaire confinée

N Sakaï - 2017‏ -
Les comportements thermiques d'une suspension granulaire en deux dimensions
maintenue dans un état stationnaire hors équilibre ont été étudiés expérimentalement …

[CITATION][C] Liquid-solid phase transition in a confined granular suspension

N Sakaı, S Moulinet, F Lechenault, M Adda-Bedia - equilibrium