Rock glaciers and related cold rocky landforms: Overlooked climate refugia for mountain biodiversity
Mountains are global biodiversity hotspots where cold environments and their associated
ecological communities are threatened by climate warming. Considerable research attention …
ecological communities are threatened by climate warming. Considerable research attention …
Stoneflies in the genus Lednia (Plecoptera: Nemouridae): sentinels of climate change impacts on mountain stream biodiversity
Rapid recession of glaciers and snowfields is threatening the habitats of cold-water
biodiversity worldwide. In many ice-sourced headwaters of western North America …
biodiversity worldwide. In many ice-sourced headwaters of western North America …
Microbial assemblages reflect environmental heterogeneity in alpine streams
Alpine streams are dynamic habitats harboring substantial biodiversity across small spatial
extents. The diversity of alpine stream biota is largely reflective of environmental …
extents. The diversity of alpine stream biota is largely reflective of environmental …
Hydrology and trophic flexibility structure alpine stream food webs in the Teton Range, Wyoming, USA
Understanding biotic interactions and how they vary across habitats is important for
assessing the vulnerability of communities to climate change. Receding glaciers in high …
assessing the vulnerability of communities to climate change. Receding glaciers in high …
Mountain stoneflies may tolerate warming streams: Evidence from organismal physiology and gene expression
Rapid glacier recession is altering the physical conditions of headwater streams. Stream
temperatures are predicted to rise and become increasingly variable, putting entire …
temperatures are predicted to rise and become increasingly variable, putting entire …
Riverscape community genomics: A comparative analytical approach to identify common drivers of spatial structure
Genetic differentiation among local groups of individuals, that is, genetic β‐diversity, is a key
component of population persistence related to connectivity and isolation. However, most …
component of population persistence related to connectivity and isolation. However, most …
Headwaters fed by subterranean ice: potential climate refugia for mountain stream communities?
Near-term extirpations of macroinvertebrates are predicted for mountain streams worldwide
as a warming climate drives the recession of high-elevation ice and snow. However …
as a warming climate drives the recession of high-elevation ice and snow. However …
Long-distance dispersal, ice sheet dynamics and mountaintop isolation underlie the genetic structure of glacier ice worms
S Hotaling, DH Shain, SA Lang… - … of the Royal …, 2019 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Disentangling the contemporary and historical factors underlying the spatial distributions of
species is a central goal of biogeography. For species with broad distributions but little …
species is a central goal of biogeography. For species with broad distributions but little …
[PDF][PDF] This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and …
Abstract 18 The tropospheric water vapor profile record from the Atmospheric Infrared
Sounder (AIRS) 19 now spans over a decade, making it a valuable resource for climate …
Sounder (AIRS) 19 now spans over a decade, making it a valuable resource for climate …
Nuclear and mitochondrial genomic resources for the meltwater stonefly (Plecoptera: Nemouridae), Lednia tumana (Ricker, 1952)
With more than 3,700 described species, stoneflies (Order Plecoptera) are an important
component of global aquatic biodiversity. The meltwater stonefly Lednia tumana (Ricker,) is …
component of global aquatic biodiversity. The meltwater stonefly Lednia tumana (Ricker,) is …