[HTML][HTML] Addressing gambling harm to affected others: A sco** review (Part I: Prevalence, socio-demographic profiles, and harm)

NA Dowling, CO Hawker, SS Merkouris… - Clinical Psychology …, 2025 - Elsevier
Awareness is growing that gambling harm can affect social networks, including family
members and friends. This sco** review broadly aimed to examine contemporary …

Addressing Gambling Harm to affected others: A sco** review (part II: Co**, assessment and treatment)

NA Dowling, CO Hawker, SS Merkouris… - Clinical Psychology …, 2025 - Elsevier
Public health definitions of gambling-related harm include risks to family members and
friends. This sco** review broadly aims to identify recent research on addressing …

Gambling-related harm as reported by concerned significant others: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of empirical studies

BJ Riley, P Harvey, BR Crisp, M Battersby… - Journal of Family …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
The availability of legalized gambling products has increased over the past three decades.
Though the negative personal consequences of problem gambling (PG) are well …

Associations of Dark Triad traits and problem gambling: Moderating role of age among university students

NG Onyedire, JBC Chukwuorji, TC Orjiakor, DU Onu… - Current …, 2021 - Springer
The current study examined the associations of Dark Triad personality factors (namely,
Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) with problem gambling, and whether age …

[HTML][HTML] Harm as reported by affected others: A population-based cross-sectional Finnish gambling 2019 study

K Lind, S Castrén, H Hagfors, AH Salonen - Addictive Behaviors, 2022 - Elsevier
This study investigates the prevalence of being an affected other (AO) of a person with
problem gambling; and the associations between being an AO and socio-demographics …

Family-focused practices in addictions: A sco** review

T Kourgiantakis, R Ashcroft, F Mohamud… - Journal of Social …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Family-focused practices are a critical part of substance use and problem gambling
treatment. This sco** review mapped empirical studies on family interventions in …

Behavioral couples therapy versus cognitive behavioral therapy for problem gambling: A randomized controlled trial

A Nilsson, K Magnusson, P Carlbring, G Andersson… - …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Background and aims There is evidence that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective
for treating problem gambling (PG). Some research points to the possible benefits of …

Treatment for the concerned significant others of gamblers: A systematic review

R Edgren, P Pörtfors, S Raisamo… - Journal of Behavioral …, 2022 - akjournals.com
Background and aims Research recognizes the extent of harm experienced by concerned
significant others (CSOs) of gamblers. This systematic review's aims are to examine the …

Treatment for family members of people experiencing gambling problems: Family members want both gambler-focused and family-focused options

SN Rodda, NA Dowling, AC Thomas, KL Bagot… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Springer
Family member's competing perspectives mean two distinct treatment approaches have
developed (ie, those focusing on the needs of the gambler, or the needs of the family), but …

Family-focused practices in addictions: A sco** review protocol

T Kourgiantakis, R Ashcroft - BMJ open, 2018 - bmjopen.bmj.com
Introduction Families are significantly impacted by addictions and family involvement in
treatment can reduce the harms and can also improve treatment entry, treatment completion …