Salt marsh restoration: an overview of techniques and success indicators
Coastal wetlands including salt marshes are among the most productive ecosystems on
Earth. They are known for improving the quality of coastal water and provisioning coastal …
Earth. They are known for improving the quality of coastal water and provisioning coastal …
Organic blue carbon sequestration in vegetated coastal wetlands: Processes and influencing factors
Coastal wetlands play a vital role in carbon (C) sequestration, named 'blue carbon'. The
review aims to disentangle the processes and influencing factors, including elevated …
review aims to disentangle the processes and influencing factors, including elevated …
Ecosystem metabolism dynamics and environmental drivers in Mediterranean confined coastal lagoons
M Bas-Silvestre, XD Quintana, J Compte… - Estuarine, Coastal and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Aquatic metabolism is an important descriptor of ecosystem functioning. The metabolism of
ponds and confined coastal lagoons has been poorly studied in comparison to other aquatic …
ponds and confined coastal lagoons has been poorly studied in comparison to other aquatic …
Ecological restoration promotes zooplankton network complexity in Mediterranean coastal lagoons
D Hernández‐Carrasco… - Restoration …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Ecological recovery following restoration is typically evaluated using metrics based on
species diversity and composition. However, increasing evidence suggests the success of …
species diversity and composition. However, increasing evidence suggests the success of …
[HTML][HTML] Different microbial functioning in natural versus man-made Mediterranean coastal lagoons in relation to season
Coastal marsh lagoons are of high ecological relevance playing a key role in the carbon
cycle but are threatened to disappear due to global change effects. Restoration practices …
cycle but are threatened to disappear due to global change effects. Restoration practices …
Deurbanizing for conservation and adapting: framing ecological restoration as a nature-based solution in La Pletera salt marsh, Catalonia (Spain)
Tackling climate change and biodiversity loss are two of the great global challenges of the
21st century. The nature-based solutions (NbS) approach creates an opportunity to meet …
21st century. The nature-based solutions (NbS) approach creates an opportunity to meet …
Metacommunity structures of dormant and active zooplankton in two distant mediterranean regions
C López‐Allendes, Á Gálvez, X Armengol… - Freshwater …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Temporary ponds are small‐sized limnic systems that dry periodically. The length of the wet
phase defines the hydroregime and determines community assembly in temporary ponds …
phase defines the hydroregime and determines community assembly in temporary ponds …
Identifying critical transitions in seasonal shifts of zooplankton composition in a confined coastal salt marsh
Zooplankton assemblages in the confined coastal lagoons of La Pletera salt marshes (Baix
Ter wetlands, Girona, Spain) are dominated by two species: one calanoid copepod …
Ter wetlands, Girona, Spain) are dominated by two species: one calanoid copepod …
Phytoplankton composition in Mediterranean confined coastal lagoons: testing the use of ecosystem metabolism for the quantification of community-related variables
Estimations of ecosystem metabolism have rarely been used to quantify productivity in
structural reductionist approaches for the description of phytoplankton composition …
structural reductionist approaches for the description of phytoplankton composition …
Criteris ecològics i percepció social en la restauració de la Pletera
A la maresma de la Pletera es va iniciar als anys 80 un procés d'urbanització inacabat, que
s' aturà a causa de la crisi econòmica dels anys 90 i va quedar abandonat. Entre els anys …
s' aturà a causa de la crisi econòmica dels anys 90 i va quedar abandonat. Entre els anys …