Hyperpolarized 13C MRI: State of the Art and Future Directions
Hyperpolarized (HP) carbon 13 (13C) MRI is an emerging molecular imaging method that
allows rapid, noninvasive, and pathway-specific investigation of dynamic metabolic and …
allows rapid, noninvasive, and pathway-specific investigation of dynamic metabolic and …
Cardiovascular metabolomics
Disturbances in cardiac metabolism underlie most cardiovascular diseases. Metabolomics,
one of the newer omics technologies, has emerged as a powerful tool for defining changes …
one of the newer omics technologies, has emerged as a powerful tool for defining changes …
Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolic MRI of the Human Heart: Initial Experience
Rationale: Altered cardiac energetics is known to play an important role in the progression
toward heart failure. A noninvasive method for imaging metabolic markers that could be …
toward heart failure. A noninvasive method for imaging metabolic markers that could be …
Challenges for molecular magnetic resonance imaging
Challenges for Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Chemical Reviews Recently Viewed
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Reversible interactions with para-hydrogen enhance NMR sensitivity by polarization transfer
The sensitivity of both nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and magnetic resonance
imaging is very low because the detected signal strength depends on the small population …
imaging is very low because the detected signal strength depends on the small population …
Chemistry and biochemistry of 13 C hyperpolarized magnetic resonance using dynamic nuclear polarization
The study of transient chemical phenomena by conventional NMR has proved elusive,
particularly for non-1H nuclei. For 13C, hyperpolarization using the dynamic nuclear …
particularly for non-1H nuclei. For 13C, hyperpolarization using the dynamic nuclear …
Analysis of cancer metabolism by imaging hyperpolarized nuclei: prospects for translation to clinical research
A major challenge in cancer biology is to monitor and understand cancer metabolism in vivo
with the goal of improved diagnosis and perhaps therapy. Because of the complexity of …
with the goal of improved diagnosis and perhaps therapy. Because of the complexity of …
Magnetic resonance imaging of pH in vivo using hyperpolarized 13C-labelled bicarbonate
As alterations in tissue pH underlie many pathological processes, the capability to image
tissue pH in the clinic could offer new ways of detecting disease and response to treatment …
tissue pH in the clinic could offer new ways of detecting disease and response to treatment …
Alternatives to gadolinium-based metal chelates for magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been immensely valuable in diagnostic clinical
imaging over the last few decades owing to its exceptional spatial and anatomical …
imaging over the last few decades owing to its exceptional spatial and anatomical …
Metabolomics as a tool for cardiac research
Metabolomics represents a paradigm shift in metabolic research, away from approaches that
focus on a limited number of enzymatic reactions or single pathways, to approaches that …
focus on a limited number of enzymatic reactions or single pathways, to approaches that …