WRF‐based dynamical downscaling of ERA5 reanalysis data for High Mountain Asia: Towards a new version of the High Asia Refined analysis
Abstract The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is a regional atmospheric data set generated
by dynamical downscaling of the Final operational global analysis (FNL) using the Weather …
by dynamical downscaling of the Final operational global analysis (FNL) using the Weather …
[HTML][HTML] Global hourly, 5 km, all-sky land surface temperature data from 2011 to 2021 based on integrating geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data
Land surface temperature (LST) plays a dominant role in the surface energy budget (SEB)
and hydrological cycling. Thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing is the primary method of …
and hydrological cycling. Thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing is the primary method of …
High-resolution regional climate modeling and projection over western Canada using a weather research forecasting model with a pseudo-global warming approach
Climate change poses great risks to western Canada's ecosystem and socioeconomical
development. To assess these hydroclimatic risks under high-end emission scenario RCP8 …
development. To assess these hydroclimatic risks under high-end emission scenario RCP8 …
Global daily actual and snow‐free blue‐sky land surface albedo climatology from 20‐year MODIS products
Land surface albedo plays a critical role in climate, hydrological and biogeochemical
modeling, and weather forecasting. It is often assigned in models and satellite retrievals by …
modeling, and weather forecasting. It is often assigned in models and satellite retrievals by …
Reducing the cold Bias of the WRF model over the Tibetan plateau by implementing a snow coverage‐topography relationship and a fresh snow albedo scheme
Most climate models show systematic cold biases during snow‐covered period over the
Tibetan Plateau (TP), which is associated with snow and surface albedo overestimations. In …
Tibetan Plateau (TP), which is associated with snow and surface albedo overestimations. In …
Evaluating and enhancing snow compaction process in the Noah‐MP land surface model
The accuracy of snow density in land surface model (LSM) simulations impacts the accuracy
of simulated terrestrial water and energy budgets. However, there has been little research …
of simulated terrestrial water and energy budgets. However, there has been little research …
Improving estimation of diurnal land surface temperatures by integrating weather modeling with satellite observations
Land surface temperature (LST) derived from satellite observations and weather modeling
has been widely used for investigating Earth surface-atmosphere energy exchange and …
has been widely used for investigating Earth surface-atmosphere energy exchange and …
Accounting for topographic effects on snow cover fraction and surface albedo simulations over the Tibetan Plateau in winter
X Miao, W Guo, B Qiu, S Lu, Y Zhang… - Journal of Advances …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is the highest land in the world and has a very complex
topography. However, the influence of topography on TP snow cover simulations has not …
topography. However, the influence of topography on TP snow cover simulations has not …
Improved cloudy-sky snow albedo estimates using passive microwave and VIIRS data
Land surface albedo (LSA) is an essential component of the surface radiation budget, and
has been retrieved extensively as a basic remote sensing product; however, daily LSA …
has been retrieved extensively as a basic remote sensing product; however, daily LSA …
Assessing the performance of a dynamical downscaling simulation driven by a bias-corrected CMIP6 dataset for Asian climate
In this study, we aim to assess dynamical downscaling simulations by utilizing a novel bias-
corrected global climate model (GCM) data to drive a regional climate model (RCM) over the …
corrected global climate model (GCM) data to drive a regional climate model (RCM) over the …