The Meso-Tethys Ocean: The nature, extension and spatial-temporal evolution
The nature, extension, and evolution of the Meso-Tethys still remain unclear to researchers,
and this has thereby hindered in-depth study of the Tethys tectonic domain. In this paper, we …
and this has thereby hindered in-depth study of the Tethys tectonic domain. In this paper, we …
Ophiolites of Iran: Keys to understanding the tectonic evolution of SW Asia:(II) Mesozoic ophiolites
Iran is a mosaic of continental terranes of Cadomian (520–600 Ma) age, stitched together
along sutures decorated by Paleozoic and Mesozoic ophiolites. Here we present the current …
along sutures decorated by Paleozoic and Mesozoic ophiolites. Here we present the current …
The Neotethyan Sanandaj‐Sirjan zone of Iran as an archetype for passive margin‐arc transitions
Abstract The Sanandaj‐Sirjan zone of Iran is a northwest trending orogenic belt immediately
north of the Zagros suture, which represents the former position of the Neotethys Ocean. The …
north of the Zagros suture, which represents the former position of the Neotethys Ocean. The …
Evolution of the Zagros sector of Neo-Tethys: Tectonic and magmatic events that shaped its rifting, seafloor spreading and subduction history
The evolution of the Neo-Tethys realm had a significant impact on the Phanerozoic
paleogeography of the Iran Plateau. However, there remains significant debate regarding …
paleogeography of the Iran Plateau. However, there remains significant debate regarding …
Geodynamic evolution of Upper Cretaceous Zagros ophiolites: formation of oceanic lithosphere above a nascent subduction zone
The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt of SW Iran is a young continental convergence zone,
extending NW–SE from eastern Turkey through northern Iraq and the length of Iran to the …
extending NW–SE from eastern Turkey through northern Iraq and the length of Iran to the …
Transient, synobduction exhumation of Zagros blueschists inferred from P‐T, deformation, time, and kinematic constraints: Implications for Neotethyan wedge …
We present the first P‐T, deformation time, and kinematic constraints on the only known
blueschist facies rocks (BS) present in the Zagros (Hajiabad area). The BS were …
blueschist facies rocks (BS) present in the Zagros (Hajiabad area). The BS were …
[HTML][HTML] On the nature of the Cimmerian Continent
Abstract The Cimmerian Continent is the narrow continental strip that rifted from the
northeastern Gondwana-Land margin mostly during the Permian between the present-day …
northeastern Gondwana-Land margin mostly during the Permian between the present-day …
The Cimmerian evolution of the Nakhlak–Anarak area, Central Iran, and its bearing for the reconstruction of the history of the Eurasian margin
New structural, sedimentological, petrological and palaeomagnetic data collected in the
region of Nakhlak–Anarak provide important constraints on the Cimmerian evolution of …
region of Nakhlak–Anarak provide important constraints on the Cimmerian evolution of …
[HTML][HTML] Significance of Nain-Baft ophiolitic belt (Iran): Short-lived, transtensional Cretaceous back-arc oceanic basins over the Tethyan subduction zone
Four dismembered massifs belonging to the Nain-Baft ophiolitic belt (Central Iran) stretch in
a NW-SE direction parallel to the fossil active margin of the Iranian Continental Block …
a NW-SE direction parallel to the fossil active margin of the Iranian Continental Block …
Shattered veins elucidate brittle creep processes in the deep slow slip and tremor region
Abstract Deep Slow Slip and Tremors (SSTs) are a combination of transient clusters of
tectonic tremors and slow slip associated with extremely elevated fluid pressures. SSTs are …
tectonic tremors and slow slip associated with extremely elevated fluid pressures. SSTs are …