Molten salt technique for the synthesis of carbon-based materials for supercapacitors
Y Yang, Y Ma, C Lu, S Li, M Zhu - Green Chemistry, 2023 -
Carbon materials play an important role in supercapacitors due to their structural diversity,
rich surface morphology, excellent chemical stability and highly active surfaces. Currently …
rich surface morphology, excellent chemical stability and highly active surfaces. Currently …
Morphological control and performance engineering of Co-based materials for supercapacitors
L Pan, D Wang, J Wang, Y Chu, X Li, W Wang… - Physical Chemistry …, 2024 -
As one of the most promising energy storage devices, supercapacitors exhibit a higher
power density than batteries. However, its low energy density usually requires high …
power density than batteries. However, its low energy density usually requires high …
Rapid and Up‐Scalable Flash Fabrication of Graphitic Carbon Nanocages for Robust Potassium Storage
L Wang, S Zhu, Z Huang, M Li, Y Zhao… - Advanced Functional …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Graphitic carbon nanocages (CNCs) have garnered attention as viable candidates for
potassium storage, primarily due to their notable crystallinity, large surface area, and rich …
potassium storage, primarily due to their notable crystallinity, large surface area, and rich …
Unveiling Superior Capacitive Behaviors of One‐Pot Molten Salt‐Engineered B, N Co‐Doped Porous Carbon Sheets
H Liu, S Zhu, Y Zhang, H Song, Y Zhang, Y Chang… - Small, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Heteroatom‐doped porous carbon materials with distinctive surface properties and
capacitive behavior have been accepted as promising candidates for supercapacitor …
capacitive behavior have been accepted as promising candidates for supercapacitor …
Enhanced the performance of zinc strontium sulfide-based supercapattery device with the polyaniline doped activated carbon
A hybrid supercapacitor, also known as a supercapattery, combines the high power density
of supercapacitors with the high energy density of batteries. In this experiment, we used the …
of supercapacitors with the high energy density of batteries. In this experiment, we used the …
High-quality single-walled carbon nanotube films as current collectors for flexible supercapacitors
Current collectors with light weight, excellent durability, and mechanical robustness are
highly demanded for flexible energy storage devices. Here, we prepare free-standing single …
highly demanded for flexible energy storage devices. Here, we prepare free-standing single …
Hydrothermally synthesized highly efficient binary silver strontium sulfide (AgSrS) for high-performance supercapattery applications
The increasing demand for sustainable energy has diverted researchers' intentions toward
electrochemical storage devices. This research aims to combine supercapacitors' …
electrochemical storage devices. This research aims to combine supercapacitors' …
Biocarbon with large specific surface area and tunable pore structure from binary molten salt templating for supercapacitor applications
Tailoring the pore structure while maintaining a large specific surface area (SSA) of
biocarbon remains a challenge, especially for single activating/templating system. Herein, a …
biocarbon remains a challenge, especially for single activating/templating system. Herein, a …
Confined grotthuss proton-conduction along polyoxometalate chains inside carbon nanotubes for high-rate charge storage
Redox-active materials with excellent rate capability and cycling performance are in highly
demand for electrochemical energy storage and conversion applications. Here, we unveil …
demand for electrochemical energy storage and conversion applications. Here, we unveil …
A dual-template strategy assisted synthesis of porous coal-based carbon nanofibers for supercapacitors
C Che, Y Lv, X Wu, P Dong, N Liang, H Gao… - Diamond and Related …, 2023 - Elsevier
The electrospun carbon nanofibers (ECNFs) with the advantages of facile preparation
method, excellent electrical conductivity and ease compounding are expected to be …
method, excellent electrical conductivity and ease compounding are expected to be …