[HTML][HTML] Bandgap engineering in III-nitrides with boron and group V elements: Toward applications in ultraviolet emitters
A key material system for opto-and high-power electronics are III-nitrides. Their functionality
can be expanded when bandgap engineering is extended beyond common materials such …
can be expanded when bandgap engineering is extended beyond common materials such …
The influence of the photovoltaic effect on the surface electric field in GaN
The surface potential barrier is an important issue for design and development of
semiconductors devices, particularly based on heterostructures. It can be investigated with …
semiconductors devices, particularly based on heterostructures. It can be investigated with …
Carrier dynamics in (Ga, In)(Sb, Bi)/GaSb quantum wells for laser applications in the mid-infrared spectral range
We present experimental studies on low-temperature (T= 4.2 K) carrier dynamics in (Ga,
In)(Sb, Bi)/GaSb quantum wells (QWs) with the nominal In content of 3.7% and the Bi …
In)(Sb, Bi)/GaSb quantum wells (QWs) with the nominal In content of 3.7% and the Bi …
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Electronic Band Structure of Bulk and Atomically Thin Mo1–xWxSe2 Alloys
J Kopaczek, T Wozniak… - ACS …, 2021 - ACS Publications
We present studies focused on the evolution of the electronic band structure of the Mo1–x W
x Se2 alloy with the tungsten content, which was conducted by combining experimental and …
x Se2 alloy with the tungsten content, which was conducted by combining experimental and …
Invariant expansion of the 30-band model and its parameters for III-V compounds
In this paper, we derive a ready-to-use symmetry-invariant expansion of the full-zone 30-
band k· p Hamiltonian for the T d point group. To find respective parameters, the band …
band k· p Hamiltonian for the T d point group. To find respective parameters, the band …
Molecular-beam epitaxy of GaInSbBi alloys
We have grown GaInSbBi single layers and GaInSbBi/GaSb multiquantum well (MQW)
structures by molecular beam epitaxy. We observed that the addition of In strongly modifies …
structures by molecular beam epitaxy. We observed that the addition of In strongly modifies …
An Ab Initio Study on the Properties of Sb-Rich GaBixSb1−x
CZ Zhao, F Wang - Journal of Electronic Materials, 2024 - Springer
GaBi x Sb1− x has been considered as a technologically important III–V semiconductor alloy
for its potential applications in mid-infrared and near-infrared devices. So far, we still know …
for its potential applications in mid-infrared and near-infrared devices. So far, we still know …
Limitations on chop** frequency for photoreflectance spectroscopy of pn GaAs junctions
The chop** frequency of the modulated light is one of the involved parameters in
photoreflectance spectroscopy. To achieve more accurate photoreflectance spectra, we …
photoreflectance spectroscopy. To achieve more accurate photoreflectance spectra, we …
Raman spectroscopy of GaSb1− xBix alloys with high Bi content
We report on the crystal morphology and Raman scattering features of high structural quality
GaSb 1− x Bi x alloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy with a high Bi content (x up to∼ …
GaSb 1− x Bi x alloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy with a high Bi content (x up to∼ …
Symmetry adapted impurity modes in as grown n-type GaP: X and GaSb: X (X= S, Se and Te)
A comprehensive average-t-matrix Green's function (ATM-GF) theory is used, in the
framework of a realistic rigid-ion-model, to simulate the symmetry induced vibrational modes …
framework of a realistic rigid-ion-model, to simulate the symmetry induced vibrational modes …