[HTML][HTML] Bandgap engineering in III-nitrides with boron and group V elements: Toward applications in ultraviolet emitters

R Kudrawiec, D Hommel - Applied Physics Reviews, 2020‏ - pubs.aip.org
A key material system for opto-and high-power electronics are III-nitrides. Their functionality
can be expanded when bandgap engineering is extended beyond common materials such …

The influence of the photovoltaic effect on the surface electric field in GaN

E Zdanowicz, AP Herman, R Kudrawiec - Applied Surface Science, 2022‏ - Elsevier
The surface potential barrier is an important issue for design and development of
semiconductors devices, particularly based on heterostructures. It can be investigated with …

Carrier dynamics in (Ga, In)(Sb, Bi)/GaSb quantum wells for laser applications in the mid-infrared spectral range

E Rogowicz, J Kopaczek, MP Polak, O Delorme… - Scientific Reports, 2022‏ - nature.com
We present experimental studies on low-temperature (T= 4.2 K) carrier dynamics in (Ga,
In)(Sb, Bi)/GaSb quantum wells (QWs) with the nominal In content of 3.7% and the Bi …

Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Electronic Band Structure of Bulk and Atomically Thin Mo1–xWxSe2 Alloys

J Kopaczek, T Wozniak… - ACS …, 2021‏ - ACS Publications
We present studies focused on the evolution of the electronic band structure of the Mo1–x W
x Se2 alloy with the tungsten content, which was conducted by combining experimental and …

Invariant expansion of the 30-band model and its parameters for III-V compounds

K Gawarecki, P Scharoch, M Wiśniewski, J Ziembicki… - Physical Review B, 2022‏ - APS
In this paper, we derive a ready-to-use symmetry-invariant expansion of the full-zone 30-
band k· p Hamiltonian for the T d point group. To find respective parameters, the band …

Molecular-beam epitaxy of GaInSbBi alloys

O Delorme, L Cerutti, E Luna, A Trampert… - Journal of Applied …, 2019‏ - pubs.aip.org
We have grown GaInSbBi single layers and GaInSbBi/GaSb multiquantum well (MQW)
structures by molecular beam epitaxy. We observed that the addition of In strongly modifies …

An Ab Initio Study on the Properties of Sb-Rich GaBixSb1−x

CZ Zhao, F Wang - Journal of Electronic Materials, 2024‏ - Springer
GaBi x Sb1− x has been considered as a technologically important III–V semiconductor alloy
for its potential applications in mid-infrared and near-infrared devices. So far, we still know …

Limitations on chop** frequency for photoreflectance spectroscopy of pn GaAs junctions

B Zeinalvand Farzin, DK Lee, GH Kim, J Ha, JS Kim… - Applied Physics A, 2022‏ - Springer
The chop** frequency of the modulated light is one of the involved parameters in
photoreflectance spectroscopy. To achieve more accurate photoreflectance spectra, we …

Raman spectroscopy of GaSb1− xBix alloys with high Bi content

S Souto, J Hilska, Y Galvão Gobato, D Souza… - Applied Physics …, 2020‏ - pubs.aip.org
We report on the crystal morphology and Raman scattering features of high structural quality
GaSb 1− x Bi x alloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy with a high Bi content (x up to∼ …

Symmetry adapted impurity modes in as grown n-type GaP: X and GaSb: X (X= S, Se and Te)

DN Talwar - Computational Materials Science, 2022‏ - Elsevier
A comprehensive average-t-matrix Green's function (ATM-GF) theory is used, in the
framework of a realistic rigid-ion-model, to simulate the symmetry induced vibrational modes …