Modeling, planning and optimal energy management of combined cooling, heating and power microgrid: A review
A combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) microgrid with distributed cogeneration
units and renewable energy sources provides an effective solution to energy-related …
units and renewable energy sources provides an effective solution to energy-related …
Combined cooling, heating and power systems: A survey
The combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system–a typical representative of the
decentralized energy system–has been increasingly attracting attention in academia and …
decentralized energy system–has been increasingly attracting attention in academia and …
Distributed multi-generation: A comprehensive view
The recent development of efficient thermal prime movers for distributed generation is
changing the focus of the production of electricity from large centralized power plants to local …
changing the focus of the production of electricity from large centralized power plants to local …
Tri-generation systems: Energy policies, prime movers, cooling technologies, configurations and operation strategies
M Jradi, S Riffat - Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 2014 - Elsevier
The serious energy supply problems along with the conventional resources depletion and
the environmental conscience regarding global warming and climate change have urged …
the environmental conscience regarding global warming and climate change have urged …
Advances in household appliances-A review
An overview of options and potential barriers and risks for reducing the energy consumption,
peak demand, and emissions for seven key energy consuming residential products …
peak demand, and emissions for seven key energy consuming residential products …
An artificial neural network model for the prediction of performance and emission parameters of a CI engine-operated micro-tri-generation system fueled with diesel …
A model for a micro-tri-generation system operated on a CI engine working on various
alternate fuels was developed based on the experimental data from multiple fuel blends …
alternate fuels was developed based on the experimental data from multiple fuel blends …
Tri and polygeneration systems-A review
S Murugan, B Horák - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Cogeneration is one of the methods to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy
consumption and control environmental pollution. Downsizing the cogeneration system …
consumption and control environmental pollution. Downsizing the cogeneration system …
A fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making model for trigeneration system
JJ Wang, YY **g, CF Zhang, GH Shi, XT Zhang - Energy Policy, 2008 - Elsevier
The decision making for trigeneration systems is a compositive project and it should be
evaluated and compared in a multi-criteria analysis method. This paper presents a fuzzy …
evaluated and compared in a multi-criteria analysis method. This paper presents a fuzzy …
Trigeneration: a comprehensive review based on prime movers
FA Al‐Sulaiman, F Hamdullahpur… - International journal of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, various aspects of trigeneration power plants including advantages,
challenges and criteria for high efficiency operation are discussed. In trigeneration systems …
challenges and criteria for high efficiency operation are discussed. In trigeneration systems …
Distributed microtrigeneration systems
In recent years, great attention, both in research and application fields, has been focused on
the transition from centralized to decentralized (or Distributed Generation, DG) energy …
the transition from centralized to decentralized (or Distributed Generation, DG) energy …