Roles of chemistry modification for laser textured metal alloys to achieve extreme surface wetting behaviors
Wetting behaviors of structured metal surfaces have received considerable attention due to
the wide range of applications for commercial, industrial, and military uses as well as …
the wide range of applications for commercial, industrial, and military uses as well as …
A comprehensive review on techniques to create the anti-microbial surface of biomaterials to intervene in biofouling
The development of microorganisms' colonies creates a three-dimensional structure named
biofilm, which helps microorganisms attach to the substratum to survive. The …
biofilm, which helps microorganisms attach to the substratum to survive. The …
Laser shock peening enables 3D gradient metal structures: a case study on manufacturing self-armored hydrophobic surfaces
X Zhang, J Liu, M ** antifouling surfaces: a comprehensive review
Surface fouling is a major challenge faced within various engineering applications,
especially in marine, aerospace, water treatment, food and beverage, and the energy …
especially in marine, aerospace, water treatment, food and beverage, and the energy …
Electrochemical polishing assisted selective laser melting of biomimetic superhydrophobic metallic parts
W Wu, J Wang, Q Liu, H **ao, X Li, Y Zhou… - Applied Surface …, 2022 - Elsevier
Metallic superhydrophobic surfaces can be widely used in pipeline transportation, oil–water
separation, anti-icing, biomedicine and industrial production owing to their excellent …
separation, anti-icing, biomedicine and industrial production owing to their excellent …
[HTML][HTML] Direct femtosecond laser fabrication of superhydrophobic aluminum alloy surfaces with anti-icing properties
A Volpe, C Gaudiuso, L Di Venere, F Licciulli… - Coatings, 2020 - mdpi.com
Ice formation is a serious issue in many fields, from energy to aerospace, compromising the
devices' efficiency and security. Superhydrophobicity has been demonstrated to be …
devices' efficiency and security. Superhydrophobicity has been demonstrated to be …