Expression of active tectonics in erosional landscapes
Understanding the manner and degree to which topography in active mountain ranges
reflects deformation of the Earth's surface remains a first order goal of tectonic …
reflects deformation of the Earth's surface remains a first order goal of tectonic …
Bedrock rivers and the geomorphology of active orogens
KX Whipple - Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 2004 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Bedrock rivers set much of the relief structure of active orogens and dictate rates
and patterns of denudation. Quantitative understanding of the role of climate-driven …
and patterns of denudation. Quantitative understanding of the role of climate-driven …
Rapid incision of the Mekong River in the middle Miocene linked to monsoonal precipitation
The uplift of orogenic plateaus has been assumed to be coincident with the fluvial incision of
the gorges that commonly cut plateau margins. The Mekong River, which drains the eastern …
the gorges that commonly cut plateau margins. The Mekong River, which drains the eastern …
The stream power river incision model: Evidence, theory and beyond
D Lague - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The stream power incision model (SPIM) is a cornerstone of quantitative geomorphology. It
states that river incision rate is the product of drainage area and channel slope raised to the …
states that river incision rate is the product of drainage area and channel slope raised to the …
Tectonics from topography: Procedures, promise, and pitfalls
Tectonics from topography: Procedures, promise, and pitfalls | Tectonics, Climate, and
Landscape Evolution | GeoScienceWorld Books | GeoScienceWorld Skip to Main Content …
Landscape Evolution | GeoScienceWorld Books | GeoScienceWorld Skip to Main Content …
Timescales of landscape response to divide migration and drainage capture: Implications for the role of divide mobility in landscape evolution
Efforts to extract information about climate and tectonics from topography commonly assume
that river networks are static. Drainage divides can migrate through time, however, and …
that river networks are static. Drainage divides can migrate through time, however, and …
Feedbacks between geomorphology and biota controlling Earth surface processes and landforms: a review of foundation concepts and current understandings
This review article presents recent advances in the field of biogeomorphology related to the
reciprocal coupling between Earth surface processes and landforms, and ecological and …
reciprocal coupling between Earth surface processes and landforms, and ecological and …
Modelling landscape evolution
GE Tucker, GR Hancock - Earth Surface Processes and …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Geomorphology is currently in a period of resurgence as we seek to explain the diversity,
origins and dynamics of terrain on the Earth and other planets in an era of increased …
origins and dynamics of terrain on the Earth and other planets in an era of increased …
Landscape form and millennial erosion rates in the San Gabriel Mountains, CA
It has been long hypothesized that topography, as well as climate and rock strength, exert
first order controls on erosion rates. Here we use detrital cosmogenic 10Be from 50 basins …
first order controls on erosion rates. Here we use detrital cosmogenic 10Be from 50 basins …
How do landscapes record tectonics and climate?
AC Whittaker - Lithosphere, 2012 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The Earth's surface is shaped by tectonics and climate. This simple statement implies that
we should, in principle, be able to use the landscape as an archive of both tectonic rates and …
we should, in principle, be able to use the landscape as an archive of both tectonic rates and …