Progress and challenges in coupled hydrodynamic-ecological estuarine modeling
Numerical modeling has emerged over the last several decades as a widely accepted tool
for investigations in environmental sciences. In estuarine research, hydrodynamic and …
for investigations in environmental sciences. In estuarine research, hydrodynamic and …
Wave modelling in coastal and inner seas
In the long term development of the research on wind waves and their modelling, in
particular of the inner and coastal seas, the present situation is framed with a short look at …
particular of the inner and coastal seas, the present situation is framed with a short look at …
Implementation of the vortex force formalism in the coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system for inner shelf and surf zone …
The coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport modeling system (COAWST)
enables simulations that integrate oceanic, atmospheric, wave and morphological …
enables simulations that integrate oceanic, atmospheric, wave and morphological …
Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Big Data: A Vision on Opportunities and Challenges
With advancements in GPS, remote sensing, and computational simulation, an enormous
volume of spatiotemporal data is being collected at an increasing speed from various …
volume of spatiotemporal data is being collected at an increasing speed from various …
Investigation of hurricane Ivan using the coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) model
The coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) model is used to
hindcast Hurricane Ivan (2004), an extremely intense tropical cyclone (TC) translating …
hindcast Hurricane Ivan (2004), an extremely intense tropical cyclone (TC) translating …
Relative contributions of water-level components to extreme water levels along the US Southeast Atlantic Coast from a regional-scale water-level hindcast
A 38-year hindcast water-level product is developed for the US Southeast Atlantic coastline
from the entrance of Chesapeake Bay to the southeast tip of Florida. The water-level …
from the entrance of Chesapeake Bay to the southeast tip of Florida. The water-level …
[HTML][HTML] Development of a coupled wave-flow-vegetation interaction model
Emergent and submerged vegetation can significantly affect coastal hydrodynamics.
However, most deterministic numerical models do not take into account their influence on …
However, most deterministic numerical models do not take into account their influence on …
Wave‐current interactions in a wave‐dominated tidal inlet
Wave‐current interactions play a major role in the dynamics of shallow tidal inlets. This study
investigates these interactions at a natural inlet, with a strong focus on current‐induced …
investigates these interactions at a natural inlet, with a strong focus on current‐induced …
Total water levels along the South Atlantic Bight during three along-shelf propagating tropical cyclones: relative contributions of storm surge and wave runup
Total water levels (TWLs), including the contribution of wind waves, associated with tropical
cyclones (TC) are among the most damaging hazards faced by coastal communities …
cyclones (TC) are among the most damaging hazards faced by coastal communities …
Validation of a coupled wave‐flow model in a high‐energy setting: The mouth of the Columbia River
A monthlong time series of wave, current, salinity, and suspended‐sediment measurements
was made at five sites on a transect across the Mouth of Columbia River (MCR). These data …
was made at five sites on a transect across the Mouth of Columbia River (MCR). These data …