A fractional-order normalized Bouc–Wen model for piezoelectric hysteresis nonlinearity
This article presents a new fractional-order normalized Bouc–Wen (BW)(FONBW) model to
describe the asymmetric and rate-dependent hysteresis nonlinearity of piezoelectric …
describe the asymmetric and rate-dependent hysteresis nonlinearity of piezoelectric …
Hysteresis modeling and compensation for a fast piezo-driven scanner in the UAV image stabilization system
J Lu, J Wang, Y Bo, X Zhang - Drones, 2023 - mdpi.com
The fast piezo-driven scanner (FPDS) compensates for vibrations in the unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV) image stabilization system. However, the hysteresis nonlinearity reduces the …
vehicle (UAV) image stabilization system. However, the hysteresis nonlinearity reduces the …
Elman neural network–based identification of rate-dependent hysteresis in piezoelectric actuators
X Zhao, S Shen, L Su, X Yin - Journal of Intelligent Material …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Rate-dependent hysteresis nonlinearity in piezoelectric actuators severely limits micro-and
nanoscale system performance. It is necessary to establish a dynamic model to describe the …
nanoscale system performance. It is necessary to establish a dynamic model to describe the …
Modeling rate-dependent hysteresis in piezoelectric actuators using TS fuzzy system based on expanded input space method
X Zhao, H **e, H Pan - Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2018 - Elsevier
Piezoelectric actuators (PEAs) are favorable choices in the nanopositioning applications
due to their high stiffness, fast response and ultrahigh precision. However, the undesired …
due to their high stiffness, fast response and ultrahigh precision. However, the undesired …
Parameter identification of heavy-duty manipulator using stochastic gradient Hamilton Monte Carlo method
This study focuses on the parameter identification of a heavy-duty manipulator used in the
remote maintenance of the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR). Accurate …
remote maintenance of the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR). Accurate …
[HTML][HTML] High-Performance Flux Tracking Controller for Reluctance Actuator
Y Liu, Q Miao, Y Dong - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
To meet the ever-increasing demand for next-generation lithography machines, the actuator
plays an important role in the achievement of high acceleration of the wafer stage. However …
plays an important role in the achievement of high acceleration of the wafer stage. However …
A new improved Bouc-Wen Model of Piezoelectric Ceramics Actuators
J Hu, R Dong, Y Tan - 2021 40th Chinese Control Conference …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, in order to describe the asymmetric and input rate-dependent hysteresis
behavior of piezoelectric ceramics actuators (PEAs), a new improved Bouc-Wen model …
behavior of piezoelectric ceramics actuators (PEAs), a new improved Bouc-Wen model …
Dynamic analysis and parameter identification for robotic manipulators
Q Wang - 2023 - lutpub.lut.fi
This paper presents a comparative advanced study on parameter identification and dynamic
analysis of lightweight and heavy-duty robotic manipulators. The ultimate goal is to enhance …
analysis of lightweight and heavy-duty robotic manipulators. The ultimate goal is to enhance …
A new composite controller for trajectory tracking control of a piezo-driven bridge displacement amplifier
In this paper, a new composite controller (feedforward+ feedback) is proposed for the
trajectory tracking control of a piezo-driven bridge displacement amplifier. A hysteresis …
trajectory tracking control of a piezo-driven bridge displacement amplifier. A hysteresis …
Influence of piezoelectric actuator hysteresis on saturation control efficiency
A Mitura, J Warminski - Proceedings of the Institution of …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of hysteresis of a piezoelectric
subsystem on the nonlinear beam dynamics with active vibration control. The investigated …
subsystem on the nonlinear beam dynamics with active vibration control. The investigated …