Exploring the effectiveness of the Merdeka curriculum in promoting effective learning practices
The urgency of this research stems from the need to adapt educational curricula to the
evolving demands of post-pandemic learning environments. This study aims to explore the …
evolving demands of post-pandemic learning environments. This study aims to explore the …
Pelatihan penyusunan modul ajar p5 (projek penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila)
Kurikulum merdeka merupakan kurikulum paradigma baru yang bertujuan untuk
memberikan proses pembelajaran yang bermakna, membahagiakan, dan menyenangkan …
memberikan proses pembelajaran yang bermakna, membahagiakan, dan menyenangkan …
Optimalisasi asesmen untuk sekolah menengah kejuruan pada kurikulum merdeka
S Murwantini - Steam Engineering, 2023 - e-journal.upr.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji optimalisasi asesmen untuk Sekolah Menengah
Kejuruan (SMK) dalam kurikulum merdeka. Asesmen pada kurikulum merdeka meliputi …
Kejuruan (SMK) dalam kurikulum merdeka. Asesmen pada kurikulum merdeka meliputi …
Learning Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum
CR Marthawati, BS Setyo - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2024 - jppipa.unram.ac.id
This study aims to describe the planning, implementation, and assessment of Merdeka
curriculum learning. A school using the national piloting program in implementing Merdeka …
curriculum learning. A school using the national piloting program in implementing Merdeka …
Implementation challenges of merdeka curriculum in primary schools
The aim of this study is to explain the implementation challenges of merdeka curriculum in
primary school. The 47 articles were identified to discuss the understanding of merdeka …
primary school. The 47 articles were identified to discuss the understanding of merdeka …
[PDF][PDF] Analisis Refleksi Pada Lokakarya Asesmen Dan Pembelajaran Sekolah Penggerak
The purpose of this study is to get a factual explanation of the teacher's understanding in
carrying out assessments in the independent curriculum. The method used in this research …
carrying out assessments in the independent curriculum. The method used in this research …
Teachers' Perception and Readiness Toward IPAS Learning Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum
This qualitative descriptive research aims to explore teachers' perceptions and
preparedness for implementing the IPAS learning approach in the context of the MC. The …
preparedness for implementing the IPAS learning approach in the context of the MC. The …
An Analysis of Elementary School Preparedness in The Merdeka Curriculum Implementation
N Isnaeni, D Irawan - … Internasional Conference on Child …, 2023 - proceeding.unimar.ac.id
The background of this study is done by the reason of the researcher is interested in
investigating the readiness and problems experienced by the teacher of grade II, III, V, and …
investigating the readiness and problems experienced by the teacher of grade II, III, V, and …
Challenges and Strategies of English Language Teaching Within the Freedom-to-Learn Curriculum in Indonesia
M Paramesthi, T Suwartono - Proceedings …, 2023 - conferenceproceedings.ump.ac.id
The so-called “Freedom-to-Learn” Curriculum has been implemented in Indonesia.
However, in its application, the teachers seemed to face some challenges in executing their …
However, in its application, the teachers seemed to face some challenges in executing their …
Strategi Asesmen Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Kurikulum Merdeka di SMP
I Wiryateja, RD Hartati - Adjektiva: Educational Languages …, 2023 - jurnal.fkip.unmul.ac.id
Strategi pelaksanaan asesmen dalam Kurikulum Merdeka sebagai kurikulum yang baru
saja diterapkan memiliki implikasi pada strategi guru dalam melaksanakan asesmen dalam …
saja diterapkan memiliki implikasi pada strategi guru dalam melaksanakan asesmen dalam …