Hydro-pedotransfer functions: a roadmap for future development

TKD Weber, L Weihermüller, A Nemes… - Hydrology and Earth …, 2024 - hess.copernicus.org
Hydro-pedotransfer functions (PTFs) relate easy-to-measure and readily available soil
information to soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) for applications in a wide range of process …

Modeling causes of death: an integrated approach using CODEm

KJ Foreman, R Lozano, AD Lopez, CJL Murray - Population health metrics, 2012 - Springer
Background Data on causes of death by age and sex are a critical input into health decision-
making. Priority setting in public health should be informed not only by the current …

Grid search based multi-population particle swarm optimization algorithm for multimodal multi-objective optimization

G Li, W Wang, W Zhang, Z Wang, H Tu… - Swarm and Evolutionary …, 2021 - Elsevier
In the multimodal multi-objective optimization problems (MMOPs), there may exist two or
multiple equivalent Pareto optimal sets (PS) with the same Pareto Front (PF). The difficulty of …

A short exploration of structural noise

J Doherty, D Welter - Water Resources Research, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
“Structural noise” is a term often used to describe model‐to‐measurement misfit that cannot
be ascribed to measurement noise and therefore must be ascribed to the imperfect nature of …

Model selection on solid ground: Rigorous comparison of nine ways to evaluate B ayesian model evidence

A Schöniger, T Wöhling, L Samaniego… - Water resources …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Bayesian model selection or averaging objectively ranks a number of plausible, competing
conceptual models based on Bayes' theorem. It implicitly performs an optimal trade‐off …

Comparison of point forecast accuracy of model averaging methods in hydrologic applications

CGH Diks, JA Vrugt - Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk …, 2010 - Springer
Multi-model averaging is currently receiving a surge of attention in the atmospheric,
hydrologic, and statistical literature to explicitly handle conceptual model uncertainty in the …

A framework for propagation of uncertainty contributed by parameterization, input data, model structure, and calibration/validation data in watershed modeling

H Yen, X Wang, DG Fontane, RD Harmel… - … Modelling & Software, 2014 - Elsevier
Failure to consider major sources of uncertainty may bias model predictions in simulating
watershed behavior. A framework entitled the Integrated Parameter Estimation and …

Ensemble Bayesian model averaging using Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling

JA Vrugt, CGH Diks, MP Clark - Environmental fluid mechanics, 2008 - Springer
Bayesian model averaging (BMA) has recently been proposed as a statistical method to
calibrate forecast ensembles from numerical weather models. Successful implementation of …

Multiresponse multilayer vadose zone model calibration using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation and field water retention data

T Wöhling, JA Vrugt - Water Resources Research, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
In the past two decades significant progress has been made toward the application of
inverse modeling to estimate the water retention and hydraulic conductivity functions of the …

Comparing well and geophysical data for temperature monitoring within a Bayesian experimental design framework

R Thibaut, N Compaire, N Lesparre… - Water Resources …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Temperature logs are an important tool in the geothermal industry. Temperature
measurements from boreholes are used for exploration, system design, and monitoring. The …