Photocatalytic antimicrobials: principles, design strategies, and applications
B Ran, L Ran, Z Wang, J Liao, D Li, K Chen… - Chemical …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Nowadays, the increasing emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic microorganisms
requires the search for alternative methods that do not cause drug resistance. Phototherapy …
requires the search for alternative methods that do not cause drug resistance. Phototherapy …
Exploring the advantages and applications of nanocomposites produced via vat photopolymerization in additive manufacturing: a review
Additive manufacturing (AM) also known as 3D printing (3DP) has become a popular
technology with a wide range of applications, from which vat photopolymerization is a …
technology with a wide range of applications, from which vat photopolymerization is a …
TiO2-based photocatalytic oxidation process for indoor air VOCs removal: A comprehensive review
The unavoidable existence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor environments,
as the major indoor air pollutants, significantly affects indoor air quality, and consequently …
as the major indoor air pollutants, significantly affects indoor air quality, and consequently …
Adsorption kinetics of the photocatalytic reaction of nano-TiO2 cement-based materials: a review
ZM Jia, YR Zhao, JN Shi - Construction and Building Materials, 2023 - Elsevier
Nano-TiO 2 cement-based materials have been widely used as green building materials
due to their effective photocatalytic ability to degrade air pollutants. The photocatalytic …
due to their effective photocatalytic ability to degrade air pollutants. The photocatalytic …
Carbon-integrated semiconductor photocatalysts for removal of volatile organic compounds in indoor environments
The impacts of industrial expansion and urban residential development on sustainable and
healthy indoor environments have raised concerns worldwide. Deteriorating indoor air …
healthy indoor environments have raised concerns worldwide. Deteriorating indoor air …
Unveiling the photocatalytic marvels: Recent advances in solar heterojunctions for environmental remediation and energy harvesting
In the quest for effective solutions to address Environ. Pollut. and meet the escalating energy
demands, heterojunction photocatalysts have emerged as a captivating and versatile …
demands, heterojunction photocatalysts have emerged as a captivating and versatile …
Synthesis, mechanisms, challenges, and future prospects of Ti3C2 MXene and its heterojunctions for photocatalytic dye degradation efficiency: A comprehensive …
In recent years, significant attention has been given to develo** novel two-dimensional
(2D) materials, including MXenes. Titanium carbide (Ti 3 C 2) is one such MXene with a …
(2D) materials, including MXenes. Titanium carbide (Ti 3 C 2) is one such MXene with a …
A review on recent advancements in photocatalytic remediation for harmful inorganic and organic gases
Due to the continuous increase in industrial pollution and modern lifestyle, several types of
air contaminants and their concentrations are emerging in the atmosphere. Besides …
air contaminants and their concentrations are emerging in the atmosphere. Besides …
Progress in photocatalytic degradation of industrial organic dye by utilising the silver doped titanium dioxide nanocomposite
Industrial organic dyes represent a significant portion of pollutants discharged into the
environment, particularly by the textile industry. These compounds pose serious threats to …
environment, particularly by the textile industry. These compounds pose serious threats to …
Multifunctional nanofibrous membranes for integrated air purification
Air pollutants, which are composed of diverse components such as particulate matter (PM),
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NO x), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and …
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NO x), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and …