[HTML][HTML] Look who's talking now: Implications of AV's explanations on driver's trust, AV preference, anxiety and mental workload
Explanations given by automation are often used to promote automation adoption. However,
it remains unclear whether explanations promote acceptance of automated vehicles (AVs) …
it remains unclear whether explanations promote acceptance of automated vehicles (AVs) …
A structural equation modeling approach for the acceptance of driverless automated shuttles based on constructs from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of …
The present study investigated the attitudes and acceptance of automated shuttles in public
transport among 340 individuals physically experiencing the automated shuttle 'Emily'from …
transport among 340 individuals physically experiencing the automated shuttle 'Emily'from …
Barriers to AV bus acceptance: A national survey and research agenda
Automated Vehicle (AV) buses hold great potential, yet it is not clear if Americans will
choose to ride them. Trust and attitudes, often influenced by individual differences, are vital …
choose to ride them. Trust and attitudes, often influenced by individual differences, are vital …
A Study on Passengers' Acceptance of Untact Technology Services at Incheon Airport: Application Innovative Expansion Theory and Technology Acceptance Model
CM Park, KW Kim - Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and …, 2024 - koreascience.kr
This study was conducted to explain airport users' acceptance intention for untact smart
devices being introduced at Incheon Airport. Based on the technology acceptance model …
devices being introduced at Incheon Airport. Based on the technology acceptance model …
인천공항 이용객의 언택트기술 서비스 수용에 관한 연구: 혁신확산이론과 기술수용모델의 적용
박춘미, 김기웅 - Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and …, 2024 - jksaa.org
This study was conducted to explain airport users' acceptance intention for untact smart
devices being introduced at Incheon Airport. Based on the technology acceptance model …
devices being introduced at Incheon Airport. Based on the technology acceptance model …
Social cognition and robotics
JI Kajopoulos - 2019 - edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de
In our social world we continuously display nonverbal behavior during interaction.
Particularly, when meeting for the first time we use these implicit signals to form judgments …
Particularly, when meeting for the first time we use these implicit signals to form judgments …
[PDF][PDF] Gender aspects of trust in and use of advanced driver assistance systems/submitted by Gina Nathalie Schnücker
GN Schnücker - 2020 - unipub.uni-graz.at
Increasing automation in vehicles promises an equal increase in driving safety and comfort.
Current research aims to identify factors that influence if and how in-vehicle automation is …
Current research aims to identify factors that influence if and how in-vehicle automation is …
[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Gender Aspects of Trust in and Use of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
GN Schnücker - 2020 - University of Graz