Enhancing auditory selective attention using a visually guided hearing aid
G Kidd Jr - Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2017 - pubs.asha.org
Purpose Listeners with hearing loss, as well as many listeners with clinically normal hearing,
often experience great difficulty segregating talkers in a multiple-talker sound field and …
often experience great difficulty segregating talkers in a multiple-talker sound field and …
Auditory brainstem response to complex sounds predicts self-reported speech-in-noise performance
Purpose To compare the ability of the auditory brainstem response to complex sounds
(cABR) to predict subjective ratings of speech understanding in noise on the Speech …
(cABR) to predict subjective ratings of speech understanding in noise on the Speech …
Hearing disability measured by the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale in clinically normal-hearing and hearing-impaired middle-aged persons, and …
K Demeester, V Topsakal, JJ Hendrickx… - Ear and …, 2012 - journals.lww.com
Objectives: The goals of the present study were twofold: in the first part, the prevalence and
profile of hearing disability in healthy, middle-aged persons were determined by the speech …
profile of hearing disability in healthy, middle-aged persons were determined by the speech …
Older adults' performance on the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ): Test-retest reliability and a comparison of interview and self-administration …
The purposes of the study were to examine the test-retest properties of the speech, spatial,
and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ) and to determine if the method of test administration …
and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ) and to determine if the method of test administration …
Adjusting expectations: Hearing abilities in a population-based sample using an SSQ short form
P von Gablenz, F Otto-Sobotka, I Holube - Trends in hearing, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
The German short form of the Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) was
administered in a cross-sectional study based on stratified random samples complemented …
administered in a cross-sectional study based on stratified random samples complemented …
Effortful listening under the microscope: Examining relations between pupillometric and subjective markers of effort and tiredness from listening
Effort during listening is commonly measured using the task‐evoked pupil response (TEPR);
a pupillometric marker of physiological arousal. However, studies to date report no …
a pupillometric marker of physiological arousal. However, studies to date report no …
Effect of masker head orientation, listener age, and extended high-frequency sensitivity on speech recognition in spatially separated speech
Objectives: Masked speech recognition is typically assessed as though the target and
background talkers are all directly facing the listener. However, background speech in …
background talkers are all directly facing the listener. However, background speech in …
[HTML][HTML] Determining the energetic and informational components of speech-on-speech masking in listeners with sensorineural hearing loss
The ability to identify the words spoken by one talker masked by two or four competing
talkers was tested in young-adult listeners with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). In a …
talkers was tested in young-adult listeners with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). In a …
[PDF][PDF] Übertragung der Fragebögen SADL, ECHO und SSQ ins Deutsche und deren Evaluation
J Kießling, L Grugel, H Meister, M Meis - Z Audio, 2011 - researchgate.net
Zusammenfassung Die systematische Verwendung von Fragebögen hat in zahlreichen
Feldern der Audiologie, insbesondere in der Hörgeräteversorgung, zunehmend an …
Feldern der Audiologie, insbesondere in der Hörgeräteversorgung, zunehmend an …
Informational masking in young and elderly listeners for speech masked by simultaneous speech and noise
Three experiments measured the effects of age on informational masking of speech by
competing speech. The experiments were designed to minimize the energetic contributions …
competing speech. The experiments were designed to minimize the energetic contributions …