Sampling-based robot motion planning: A review
Motion planning is a fundamental research area in robotics. Sampling-based methods offer
an efficient solution for what is otherwise a rather challenging dilemma of path planning …
an efficient solution for what is otherwise a rather challenging dilemma of path planning …
Origami-inspired active structures: a synthesis and review
Origami-inspired active structures: a synthesis and review - IOPscience Skip to content IOP
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Science home Accessibility Help Search Journals Journals list Browse more than 100 science …
Toggle PRM: A coordinated map** of C-free and C-obstacle in arbitrary dimension
Motion planning has received much attention over the past 40 years. More than 15 years
have passed since the introduction of the successful sampling-based approach known as …
have passed since the introduction of the successful sampling-based approach known as …
Lazy toggle prm: A single-query approach to motion planning
Probabilistic RoadMaps (PRMs) are quite successful in solving complex and high-
dimensional motion planning problems. While particularly suited for multiple-query …
dimensional motion planning problems. While particularly suited for multiple-query …
[PDF][PDF] Subdimensional Expansion: A Framework for Computationally Tractable Multirobot Path Planning.
G Wagner - 2015 - kilthub.cmu.edu
Planning optimal paths for large numbers of robots is computationally expensive. In this
thesis, we present a new framework for multirobot path planning called subdimensional …
thesis, we present a new framework for multirobot path planning called subdimensional …
Sensory steering for sampling-based motion planning
Sampling-based algorithms offer computationally efficient, practical solutions to the path
finding problem in high-dimensional complex configuration spaces by approximately …
finding problem in high-dimensional complex configuration spaces by approximately …
[HTML][HTML] Adaptive Region Boosting method with biased entropy for path planning in changing environment
Path planning in changing environments with difficult regions, such as narrow passages and
obstacle boundaries, creates significant challenges. As the obstacles in W-space move …
obstacle boundaries, creates significant challenges. As the obstacles in W-space move …
Simultaneous planning of sampling and optimization: study on lazy evaluation and configuration free space approximation for optimal motion planning algorithm
D Kim, SE Yoon - Autonomous Robots, 2020 - Springer
A recent trend in optimal motion planning has broadened the research area toward the
hybridization of sampling, optimization, and grid-based approaches. A synergy from such …
hybridization of sampling, optimization, and grid-based approaches. A synergy from such …
Improved sampling based motion planning through local learning
CP Ekenna - 2016 - oaktrust.library.tamu.edu
Every motion made by a moving object is either planned implicitly, eg, human natural
movement from one point to another, or explicitly, eg, pre-planned information about where …
movement from one point to another, or explicitly, eg, pre-planned information about where …
A predictive model for narrow passage path planner by using support vector machine in changing environments
Narrow passages in changing environments create huge difficulties, since locations and
shapes of narrow passages in Configuration Space (C-space) change frequently. It is very …
shapes of narrow passages in Configuration Space (C-space) change frequently. It is very …