The physics of dipolar bosonic quantum gases
This paper reviews the recent theoretical and experimental advances in the study of ultra-
cold gases made of bosonic particles interacting via the long-range, anisotropic dipole …
cold gases made of bosonic particles interacting via the long-range, anisotropic dipole …
Spinor bose–einstein condensates
An overview of the physics of spinor and dipolar Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) is
given. Mean-field ground states, Bogoliubov spectra, and many-body ground and excited …
given. Mean-field ground states, Bogoliubov spectra, and many-body ground and excited …
Quantum phase transitions
S Sachdev - Physics world, 1999 -
NATURE abounds with phase transitions. The boiling and freezing of water are everyday
examples of phase transitions, as are more exotic processes such as superconductivity and …
examples of phase transitions, as are more exotic processes such as superconductivity and …
Theoretical progress in many-body physics with ultracold dipolar gases
MA Baranov - Physics Reports, 2008 - Elsevier
Recent experimental progress in trap** and cooling of molecular gases boosts interest in
the interdisciplinary field of quantum gases with dominant dipole–dipole interactions. An …
the interdisciplinary field of quantum gases with dominant dipole–dipole interactions. An …
Quantum phase transitions and vortex dynamics in superconducting networks
Josephson-junction arrays are ideal model systems to study a variety of phenomena such as
phase transitions, frustration effects, vortex dynamics and chaos. In this review, we focus on …
phase transitions, frustration effects, vortex dynamics and chaos. In this review, we focus on …
One-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor interaction
We study the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model using the density-matrix
renormalization group. For the cases of on-site interactions and additional nearest-neighbor …
renormalization group. For the cases of on-site interactions and additional nearest-neighbor …
[หนังสือ][B] Ultracold quantum fields
HTC Stoof, KB Gubbels, D Dickerscheid - 2009 - Springer
On June 19th 1999, the European Ministers of Education signed the Bologna Declaration,
with which they agreed that the European university education should be uniformized …
with which they agreed that the European university education should be uniformized …
Quantum phases of dipolar bosons in optical lattices
The ground state of dipolar bosons placed in an optical lattice is analyzed. We show that the
modification of experimentally accessible parameters can lead to the realization and control …
modification of experimentally accessible parameters can lead to the realization and control …
Quantum phases in an optical lattice
D Van Oosten, P van der Straten, HTC Stoof - Physical Review A, 2001 - APS
We present the zero-temperature phase diagram of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice, using
two different mean-field approaches. The phase diagram consists of various insulating …
two different mean-field approaches. The phase diagram consists of various insulating …
Phases of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model
The zero-temperature phase diagram of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with
nearest-neighbor interaction is investigated using the density-matrix renormalization group …
nearest-neighbor interaction is investigated using the density-matrix renormalization group …