[HTML][HTML] A review on piezoelectric energy harvesting: materials, methods, and circuits
Piezoelectric microelectromechanical systems (PiezoMEMS) are attractive for develo**
next generation self-powered microsystems. PiezoMEMS promises to eliminate the costly …
next generation self-powered microsystems. PiezoMEMS promises to eliminate the costly …
Private communication with quantum cascade laser photonic chaos
Mid-infrared free-space optical communication has a large potential for high speed
communication due to its immunity to electromagnetic interference. However, data security …
communication due to its immunity to electromagnetic interference. However, data security …
[HTML][HTML] Sensing and imaging using laser feedback interferometry with quantum cascade lasers
Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are high-power sources of coherent radiation in the
midinfrared and terahertz (THz) bands. Laser feedback interferometry (LFI) is one of the …
midinfrared and terahertz (THz) bands. Laser feedback interferometry (LFI) is one of the …
Chaotic light at mid-infrared wavelength
The onset of nonlinear dynamics and chaos is evidenced in a mid-infrared distributed
feedback quantum cascade laser both in the temporal and frequency domains. As opposed …
feedback quantum cascade laser both in the temporal and frequency domains. As opposed …
[HTML][HTML] Versatile multimodality imaging system based on detectorless and scanless optical feedback interferometry—a retrospective overview for a prospective vision
In this retrospective compendium, we attempt to draw a “fil rouge” along fifteen years of our
research in the field of optical feedback interferometry aimed at guiding the readers to the …
research in the field of optical feedback interferometry aimed at guiding the readers to the …
[HTML][HTML] Frequency combs induced by optical feedback and harmonic order tunability in quantum cascade lasers
This study investigates the interaction between frequency combs and optical feedback
effects in Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs). The theoretical analysis reveals new …
effects in Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs). The theoretical analysis reveals new …
[HTML][HTML] Measurements of the linewidth enhancement factor of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers by different optical feedback techniques
Precise knowledge of the linewidth enhancement factor of a semiconductor laser under
actual operating conditions is of prime importance since this parameter dictates various …
actual operating conditions is of prime importance since this parameter dictates various …
Observation of optical feedback dynamics in single-mode terahertz quantum cascade lasers: Transient instabilities
We provide an experimental evidence of transient instabilities (TIs) in a terahertz (THz)
quantum cascade laser (QCL) under optical feedback, in contrast to the widely accepted …
quantum cascade laser (QCL) under optical feedback, in contrast to the widely accepted …
[HTML][HTML] Feedback regimes of lfi sensors: Experimental investigations
In this article, we revisit the concept of optical feedback regimes in diode lasers and explore
each regime experimentally from a somewhat unconventional point of view by relating the …
each regime experimentally from a somewhat unconventional point of view by relating the …
Relative intensity noise of a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser: insensitivity to optical feedback
This article experimentally demonstrates that the relative intensity noise (RIN) of a mid-
infrared quantum cascade laser is insensitive to the optical feedback for feedback ratios up …
infrared quantum cascade laser is insensitive to the optical feedback for feedback ratios up …