Efficient bitruss decomposition for large-scale bipartite graphs
Cohesive subgraph mining in bipartite graphs becomes a popular research topic recently.
An important structure k-bitruss is the maximal cohesive subgraph where each edge is …
An important structure k-bitruss is the maximal cohesive subgraph where each edge is …
Stable community detection in signed social networks
Community detection is one of the most fundamental problems in social network analysis,
while most existing research focuses on unsigned graphs. In real applications, social …
while most existing research focuses on unsigned graphs. In real applications, social …
Cohesive subgraph search over big heterogeneous information networks: Applications, challenges, and solutions
With the advent of a wide spectrum of recent applications, querying heterogeneous
information networks (HINs) has received a great deal of attention from both academic and …
information networks (HINs) has received a great deal of attention from both academic and …
Towards efficient solutions of bitruss decomposition for large-scale bipartite graphs
In recent years, cohesive subgraph mining in bipartite graphs becomes a popular research
topic. An important cohesive subgraph model k-bitruss is the maximal cohesive subgraph …
topic. An important cohesive subgraph model k-bitruss is the maximal cohesive subgraph …
Efficient progressive minimum k-core search
As one of the most representative cohesive subgraph models, k-core model has recently
received significant attention in the literature. In this paper, we investigate the problem of the …
received significant attention in the literature. In this paper, we investigate the problem of the …
Cohesive subgraph discovery over uncertain bipartite graphs
In this article, we propose the-core model, which is the first cohesive subgraph model on
uncertain bipartite graphs. To capture the uncertainty of relationships/edges,-degree is …
uncertain bipartite graphs. To capture the uncertainty of relationships/edges,-degree is …
Edge manipulation approaches for k-core minimization: Metrics and analytics
In social networks, dense relationships among users contribute to stable communities.
Breakdowns of critical connections may cause users to leave the group. A popular model to …
Breakdowns of critical connections may cause users to leave the group. A popular model to …
Improving the core resilience of real-world hypergraphs
MT Do, K Shin - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2023 - Springer
Interactions that involve a group of people or objects are omnipresent in practice. Some
examples include the list of recipients of an email, the group of co-authors of a publication …
examples include the list of recipients of an email, the group of co-authors of a publication …
Maximum Signed -Clique Identification in Large Signed Graphs
The maximum clique problem, which is to find the clique with the largest size, can find many
real-world applications and is notable for its capability of modeling many combinatorial …
real-world applications and is notable for its capability of modeling many combinatorial …
Discovering critical vertices for reinforcement of large-scale bipartite networks
Bipartite networks model relationships between two types of vertices and are prevalent in
real-world applications. The departure of vertices in a bipartite network reduces the …
real-world applications. The departure of vertices in a bipartite network reduces the …