Physically unclonable functions: A study on the state of the art and future research directions
The idea of using intrinsic random physical features to identify objects, systems, and people
is not new. Fingerprint identification of humans dates at least back to the nineteenth century …
is not new. Fingerprint identification of humans dates at least back to the nineteenth century …
Arbiter puf—a review of design, composition, and security aspects
Hardware security modules play a crucial role in protecting and preserving technologically
integrated systems that are used in daily life. They employ cryptographic protocols to secure …
integrated systems that are used in daily life. They employ cryptographic protocols to secure …
A puf taxonomy
Authentication is an essential cryptographic primitive that confirms the identity of parties
during communications. For security, it is important that these identities are complex, in order …
during communications. For security, it is important that these identities are complex, in order …
On improving the security of logic locking
Due to globalization of integrated circuit (IC) design flow, rogue elements in the supply chain
can pirate ICs, overbuild ICs, and insert hardware Trojans. EPIC locks the design by …
can pirate ICs, overbuild ICs, and insert hardware Trojans. EPIC locks the design by …
PUF modeling attacks on simulated and silicon data
We discuss numerical modeling attacks on several proposed strong physical unclonable
functions (PUFs). Given a set of challenge-response pairs (CRPs) of a Strong PUF, the goal …
functions (PUFs). Given a set of challenge-response pairs (CRPs) of a Strong PUF, the goal …
[BUCH][B] Physically unclonable functions: Concept and constructions
R Maes, R Maes - 2013 - Springer
This chapter introduces the reader to the basic concept of a physically unclonable function
or PUF. Many research results on this topic were published over recent years in a variety of …
or PUF. Many research results on this topic were published over recent years in a variety of …
A survey of hardware trojan taxonomy and detection
A Survey of Hardware Trojan Taxonomy and Detection Page 1 A Survey of Hardware Trojan
Taxonomy and Detection Mohammad Tehranipoor University of Connecticut Farinaz …
Taxonomy and Detection Mohammad Tehranipoor University of Connecticut Farinaz …
The DRAM latency PUF: Quickly evaluating physical unclonable functions by exploiting the latency-reliability tradeoff in modern commodity DRAM devices
Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are commonly used in cryptography to identify
devices based on the uniqueness of their physical microstructures. DRAM-based PUFs have …
devices based on the uniqueness of their physical microstructures. DRAM-based PUFs have …
The bistable ring PUF: A new architecture for strong physical unclonable functions
This paper introduces a new architecture for circuit-based Physical Unclonable Functions
(PUFs) which we call the Bistable Ring PUF (BR-PUF). Based on experimental results …
(PUFs) which we call the Bistable Ring PUF (BR-PUF). Based on experimental results …
PUFs at a glance
Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are a new, hardware-based security primitive, which
has been introduced just about a decade ago. In this paper, we provide a brief and easily …
has been introduced just about a decade ago. In this paper, we provide a brief and easily …