[HTML][HTML] Status, advancements and prospects of deep learning methods applied in forest studies
Deep learning, which has exhibited considerable potential and effectiveness in forest
resource assessment, is vital for comprehending and managing forest resources and …
resource assessment, is vital for comprehending and managing forest resources and …
LiDAR applications to estimate forest biomass at individual tree scale: Opportunities, challenges and future perspectives
Accurate forest biomass estimation at the individual tree scale is the foundation of timber
industry and forest management. It plays an important role in explaining ecological issues …
industry and forest management. It plays an important role in explaining ecological issues …
Individual tree segmentation and tree species classification in subtropical broadleaf forests using UAV-based LiDAR, hyperspectral, and ultrahigh-resolution RGB data
Accurate classification of individual tree species is essential for inventorying, managing, and
protecting forest resources. Individual tree species classification in subtropical forests …
protecting forest resources. Individual tree species classification in subtropical forests …
Leaf image based plant disease identification using transfer learning and feature fusion
With the continuing changes in the structure of plant and cultivation patterns, new diseases
are constantly appearing on the leaves of plant, exacerbating the threat to food security and …
are constantly appearing on the leaves of plant, exacerbating the threat to food security and …
[HTML][HTML] Detecting and map** tree crowns based on convolutional neural network and Google Earth images
Map** tree crown is critical for estimating the functional and spatial distribution of
ecosystem services. However, accurate and up-to-date urban crown map** remains a …
ecosystem services. However, accurate and up-to-date urban crown map** remains a …