Will we have the same employees in hospitality after all? The impact of COVID-19 on employees' work attitudes and turnover intentions
A crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic affected the whole world leaving long-lasting effects
on almost every aspect of human lives. The aim of this study was to test how different effects …
on almost every aspect of human lives. The aim of this study was to test how different effects …
Being stressed in the family or married with work? A literature review and clustering of work-family conflict
T Pascucci, B Hernández Sánchez… - European journal of …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose Work-family conflict is an important topic which had an evolution, starting from a
static definition, where work and family domains were divided, to a more dynamic and …
static definition, where work and family domains were divided, to a more dynamic and …
Career adaptability and employee turnover intentions: The role of perceived career opportunities and orientation to happiness in the hospitality industry
Employee turnover is an important concern for organizations in the hospitality industry.
Drawing on career construction theory (CCT), this paper demonstrates how career …
Drawing on career construction theory (CCT), this paper demonstrates how career …
The effect of emotional intelligence on turnover intention and the moderating role of perceived organizational support: Evidence from the banking industry of Vietnam
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of emotional intelligence on turnover
intention, noting the mediating roles of work-family conflict and job burnout as well as the …
intention, noting the mediating roles of work-family conflict and job burnout as well as the …
Polychronicity, work engagement, and turnover intention: The moderating role of perceived organizational support in the hotel industry
M Asghar, M Tayyab, N Gull, S Zhijie, R Shi… - Journal of Hospitality and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstracts This study illuminates one of the critical concerns in organizational research to the
extent of polychronicity affecting employees' engagement, job performance (JP), and …
extent of polychronicity affecting employees' engagement, job performance (JP), and …
Factors affecting hotel employees' attrition and turnover: Application of pull-push-mooring framework
This study aims to investigate the turnover intentions of hotel employees in the short-,
medium-, and long-term using the pull-push-mooring framework. An extensive review of the …
medium-, and long-term using the pull-push-mooring framework. An extensive review of the …
Employee turnover: The hotel industry perspective
Purpose: This study analyzes employee turnover in the under-researched context of the Gulf
Cooperation Council. Methods: This study uses a qualitative approach to examine the …
Cooperation Council. Methods: This study uses a qualitative approach to examine the …
The impact of hospitality work environment on employees' turnover intentions During COVID-19 Pandemic: The mediating role of work-family conflict
AH Abdou, AAF Khalil, HME Mahmoud… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Employees' turnover intentions and work-family conflict as a result of the hospitality work
environment are considered the major global challenges confronted by hospitality …
environment are considered the major global challenges confronted by hospitality …
Is negative workplace humor really all that" negative"? Workplace humor and hospitality employees' job embeddedness
H Chen, B Ayoun - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2019 - Elsevier
The hospitality industry is known to have a relatively higher turnover rate. Job
embeddedness (JE) was identified as an effective solution of voluntary turnover. Building on …
embeddedness (JE) was identified as an effective solution of voluntary turnover. Building on …
Does optimism mediate the influence of work-life balance on hotel salespeople's life satisfaction and creative performance?
The purpose of this study is to test optimism as a mediator of the influence of work-life
balance (WLB) on life satisfaction and creative performance (CP). Data came from a time …
balance (WLB) on life satisfaction and creative performance (CP). Data came from a time …