Explainable image captioning to identify ergonomic problems and solutions for construction workers
The high occurrence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in construction
remains a pressing concern, causing numerous nonfatal injuries. Preventing WMSDs …
remains a pressing concern, causing numerous nonfatal injuries. Preventing WMSDs …
ErgoChat: a Visual Query System for the Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Construction Workers
In the construction sector, workers often endure prolonged periods of high-intensity physical
work and prolonged use of tools, resulting in injuries and illnesses primarily linked to …
work and prolonged use of tools, resulting in injuries and illnesses primarily linked to …
Construction cost management (CCM) is dynamic and complex, which makes it difficult but
essential to implement effective and efficient practices. Previous computer vision-based …
essential to implement effective and efficient practices. Previous computer vision-based …