[КНИГА][B] Safety culture: theory, method and improvement
S Antonsen - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
The aim of this book is to show how a cultural approach can contribute to the assessment,
description and improvement of safety conditions in organizations. The relationship between …
description and improvement of safety conditions in organizations. The relationship between …
Silencing language: Of anthropologists and interpreters
A Borchgrevink - Ethnography, 2003 - journals.sagepub.com
While the use of interpreters in fieldwork is far from marginal in anthropological practice, it
has received curiously little attention in anthropological texts. On the basis of a review of …
has received curiously little attention in anthropological texts. On the basis of a review of …
[PDF][PDF] Organisasjonskultur: en begrepsavklaring
H Bang - Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening, 2013 - researchgate.net
The concept of organizational culture has been part of our everyday language since the
1980s. Yet there is confusion among practioners like employees, managers and …
1980s. Yet there is confusion among practioners like employees, managers and …
The relationship between culture and safety on offshore supply vessels
S Antonsen - Safety science, 2009 - Elsevier
The paper examines the relationship between culture and safety on offshore supply vessels
in the Norwegian petroleum industry, relying on both qualitative and quantitative data. The …
in the Norwegian petroleum industry, relying on both qualitative and quantitative data. The …
[КНИГА][B] Rock art and the wild mind: Visual imagery in Mesolithic Northern Europe
I Fuglestvedt - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Rock Art and the Wild Mind presents a study of Mesolithic rock art on the Scandinavian
peninsula, including the large rock art sites in Alta, Nämforsen and Vingen. Hunters' rock art …
peninsula, including the large rock art sites in Alta, Nämforsen and Vingen. Hunters' rock art …
What can we talk about, in which language, in what way and with whom? Sami patients' experiences of language choice and cultural norms in mental health treatment
I Dagsvold, S Møllersen, V Stordahl - International journal of …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Background The Sami in Norway have a legal right to receive health services adapted to
Sami language and culture. This calls for a study of the significance of language choice and …
Sami language and culture. This calls for a study of the significance of language choice and …
Is culture something we have or something we do? From descriptive essentialist to dynamic intercultural constructivist communication
Ø Dahl - Journal of Intercultural Communication, 2014 - immi.se
The descriptive understanding of culture is essentialist. One assumes that a group of people
share values, codes and norms. Culture is according to this understanding something …
share values, codes and norms. Culture is according to this understanding something …
[PDF][PDF] Tvetydige barn: om barneemigranter i et historisk komparativt perspektiv
K Eide - 2005 - openarchive.usn.no
Tvetydige barn Page 1 Tvetydige barn Om barnemigranter i et historisk komparativt
perspektiv Avhandling til dr.polit.-graden Sosiologisk institutt Det samfunnsvitenskapelige …
perspektiv Avhandling til dr.polit.-graden Sosiologisk institutt Det samfunnsvitenskapelige …
En utvidelse av begrepet «mangfold»
J Nyléhn, H Biseth - Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2015 - idunn.no
I artikkelen argumenteres det for at mangfold manifesteres i et utall variasjoner. Gjennom en
kombinasjon av naturvitenskapelige og samfunnsvitenskapelige perspektiver på mangfold …
kombinasjon av naturvitenskapelige og samfunnsvitenskapelige perspektiver på mangfold …
Time and space in Bei**g's Olympic bid
HØ Haugen - Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of …, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines how Bei**g presented an Olympic bid that not only won the city the
right to host the Olympic Games, but also served to increase the legitimacy of the IOC …
right to host the Olympic Games, but also served to increase the legitimacy of the IOC …