Potential toxic metal accumulation in soil, forage and blood plasma of buffaloes sampled from Jhang, Pakistan
This study was conducted to determine the concentration of toxic metals in soil, forage and
blood plasma of lactating and non-lactating buffaloes in the district Jhang, Punjab, Pakistan …
blood plasma of lactating and non-lactating buffaloes in the district Jhang, Punjab, Pakistan …
Determination of Toxic Metals in Fruits of Abelmoschus esculentus Grown in Contaminated Soils with Different Irrigation Sources by Spectroscopic Method
Heavy metal contamination of food crops irrigated with municipal wastewater is a growing
problem worldwide. In this direction, heavy metal accumulations in Abelmoschus esculentus …
problem worldwide. In this direction, heavy metal accumulations in Abelmoschus esculentus …
Irrigation water of different sources affects fruit quality attributes and heavy metals contents of un-grafted and commercial mango cultivars
In peri-urban areas, waste water is used to irrigate orchards due to scarcity of fresh water
which increases heavy metals contents in soils, leaves and fruits. Due to excessive waste …
which increases heavy metals contents in soils, leaves and fruits. Due to excessive waste …
Human health risk assessment through the comparative analysis of diverse irrigation regimes for Luffa (Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem.)
In the present study, the effects of untreated wastewater and associated health risks were
assessed in an abundantly consumed vegetable, Luffa cylindrica. In this direction, trace …
assessed in an abundantly consumed vegetable, Luffa cylindrica. In this direction, trace …
Application of Nano Selenium Alleviates Cd-induced Growth Inhibition and Enhances Biochemical Responses and the Yield of Solanum melongena L
Soil contamination with heavy metals, such as cadmium (Cd), reduces plant growth and
yield. Therefore, an advanced agronomic technique is needed to alleviate Cd-induced …
yield. Therefore, an advanced agronomic technique is needed to alleviate Cd-induced …
Determination of heavy metal accumulation in wastewater irrigated pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) by spectroscopic method
Heavy metal contamination in water, soil and crops has become an increasing health
problem. The present study aimed to investigate potential health risks to public health by …
problem. The present study aimed to investigate potential health risks to public health by …
Multidimensional scaling of the mineral nutrient status and health risk assessment of commonly consumed fruity vegetables marketed in Kyrgyzstan
Intensive production of fruits and vegetables causes heavy metal accumulation.
Consumption of this kind of foodstuff is a growing concern of the modern world with the …
Consumption of this kind of foodstuff is a growing concern of the modern world with the …
Arsenic Levels and Seasonal Variation in Pasture Soil, Forage and Horse Blood Plasma in Central Punjab, Pakistan
The present study aimed to determine the accumulation levels of arsenic in pasture soil,
forage and animals. An atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine the …
forage and animals. An atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine the …
Assessment of heavy metal contamination and accumulation patterns in the coastal and deep sediments of Lake Salda, Turkey
In this study, contamination levels were found for 8 different metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mn, Fe,
Cd, Cr) and metalloids (As) in sediment samples, coming from 9 different stations, through …
Cd, Cr) and metalloids (As) in sediment samples, coming from 9 different stations, through …
Heavy Metal Accumulation in Soil, Forage and Blood Plasma of Horses in Central Punjab, Pakistan
The main purpose of the present study was to determine and evaluate the heavy metals in
soil, forage and blood plasma of horses in Central Punjab, Pakistan. Concentrations of …
soil, forage and blood plasma of horses in Central Punjab, Pakistan. Concentrations of …