Ozonation of organic compounds in water and wastewater: A critical review
Ozonation has been applied in water treatment for more than a century, first for disinfection,
later for oxidation of inorganic and organic pollutants. In recent years, ozone has been …
later for oxidation of inorganic and organic pollutants. In recent years, ozone has been …
A review on non-thermal plasma treatment of water contaminated with antibiotics
Large amounts of antibiotics are produced and consumed worldwide, while wastewater
treatment is still rather inefficient, leading to considerable water contamination …
treatment is still rather inefficient, leading to considerable water contamination …
A review of polymeric membranes and processes for potable water reuse
Conventional water resources in many regions are insufficient to meet the water needs of
growing populations, thus reuse is gaining acceptance as a method of water supply …
growing populations, thus reuse is gaining acceptance as a method of water supply …
Toxicological assessment of potable reuse and conventional drinking waters
Potable reuse, the process of treating wastewater to drinkable standards, offers a reliable
and sustainable solution to cities and regions facing shortages of clean water. However …
and sustainable solution to cities and regions facing shortages of clean water. However …
Best available technologies and treatment trains to address current challenges in urban wastewater reuse for irrigation of crops in EU countries
Conventional urban wastewater treatment plants (UWTPs) are poorly effective in the
removal of most contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), including antibiotics, antibiotic …
removal of most contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), including antibiotics, antibiotic …
[HTML][HTML] Life cycle sustainability assessment of advanced treatment techniques for urban wastewater reuse and sewage sludge resource recovery
Wastewater treatment plants can become a source of valuable resources, such as clean
water, energy, fuels and nutrients and thus contribute to the sustainable development goals …
water, energy, fuels and nutrients and thus contribute to the sustainable development goals …
Comparing the UV/monochloramine and UV/free chlorine advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to the UV/hydrogen peroxide AOP under scenarios relevant to …
Utilities incorporating the potable reuse of municipal wastewater are interested in converting
from the UV/H2O2 to the UV/free chlorine advanced oxidation process (AOP). The AOP …
from the UV/H2O2 to the UV/free chlorine advanced oxidation process (AOP). The AOP …
Mind the Gap: Persistent and Mobile Organic Compounds Water Contaminants That Slip Through
The discharge of persistent and mobile organic chemicals (PMOCs) into the aquatic
environment is a threat to the quality of our water resources. PMOCs are highly polar (mobile …
environment is a threat to the quality of our water resources. PMOCs are highly polar (mobile …
Dissolved effluent organic matter: characteristics and potential implications in wastewater treatment and reuse applications
Wastewater reuse is currently considered globally as the most critical element of sustainable
water management. The dissolved effluent organic matter (dE f OM) present in biologically …
water management. The dissolved effluent organic matter (dE f OM) present in biologically …
Wastewater-based resource recovery technologies across scale: a review
Over the past few decades, wastewater has been evolving from a waste to a valuable
resource. Wastewater can not only dampen the effects of water shortages by means of water …
resource. Wastewater can not only dampen the effects of water shortages by means of water …