Supervisory control theory applied to swarm robotics
Currently, the control software of swarm robotics systems is created by ad hoc development.
This makes it hard to deploy these systems in real-world scenarios. In particular, it is difficult …
This makes it hard to deploy these systems in real-world scenarios. In particular, it is difficult …
Integrating reinforcement learning and supervisory control theory for optimal directed control of discrete-event systems
Y Hu, D Wang, M Yang, J He - Neurocomputing, 2025 - Elsevier
Directed control is crucial for implementing controllers on programmable logic controllers. A
directed controller is one that actively selects at most one controllable event (control …
directed controller is one that actively selects at most one controllable event (control …
A hybrid systems-based hierarchical control architecture for heterogeneous field robot teams
Field robot systems have recently been applied in a wide range of research fields. Further
automation, development, and activation of such systems require cooperation among …
automation, development, and activation of such systems require cooperation among …
PuRSUE-from specification of robotic environments to synthesis of controllers
Develo** robotic applications is a complex task, which requires skills that are usually only
possessed by highly-qualified robotic developers. While formal methods that help …
possessed by highly-qualified robotic developers. While formal methods that help …
Automated code generation for DES controllers modeled as Finite State Machines
Abstract Finite State Machines (FSMs) are the foundation to design Discrete Event Systems
(DESs). A FSM that designs a DES model can be further processed using Supervisory …
(DESs). A FSM that designs a DES model can be further processed using Supervisory …
Safe dynamic reconfiguration through supervisory control in IEC 61499 compliant systems
Dynamic reconfiguration enables automation and control systems to be reconfigured without
the need to completely stop. With this feature, automation and control systems can adapt to …
the need to completely stop. With this feature, automation and control systems can adapt to …
[PDF][PDF] Probabilistic supervisory control theory (pSCT) applied to swarm robotics
Swarm robotics studies large groups of robots that work together to accomplish common
tasks. Much of the used source code is developed in an ad-hoc manner, meaning that the …
tasks. Much of the used source code is developed in an ad-hoc manner, meaning that the …
Implementação da Estrutura de Controle Modular Local Aderente à IEC 61499 e Usando OPC-UA
RP Rech, AB Leal - Congresso Brasileiro de Automática-CBA, 2022 -
This work presents a methodology for implementing the Local Modular Control Structure in
Function Blocks of the IEC 61499 standard, in which the OPC-UA protocol is used in the …
Function Blocks of the IEC 61499 standard, in which the OPC-UA protocol is used in the …
Synthesis tool for automation controller supervision
F Göbe, T Timmermanns, O Ney… - … Workshop on Discrete …, 2016 -
The supervisory control theory is a conceptual framework to keep a discrete-event system in
a desired state space by disabling controllable events. This paper introduces a new software …
a desired state space by disabling controllable events. This paper introduces a new software …
An educational toolbox on supervisory control theory using MATLAB Simulink stateflow: From theory to practice in one week
Since the Supervisory Control Theory (SCT) was introduced by Ramadge and Wonham in
1987, many researchers contributed to its theoretical basis and to the development of …
1987, many researchers contributed to its theoretical basis and to the development of …