A Versatile Board for Event-Driven Data Acquisition

G Manduchi, A Rigoni, L Trevisan, T Patton - Sensors, 2024 - mdpi.com
Event-driven data acquisition is used to capture information from fast transient phenomena
typically requiring a high sampling speed. This is an important requirement in the ITER …

A Zynq-based flexible ADC architecture combining real-time data streaming and transient recording

AR Garola, G Manduchi, M Gottardo… - … on Nuclear Science, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The RFX-mod2 Nuclear Fusion experiment is an upgrade of RFX-mod, which was shutdown
in 2016. Among the other improvements in the machine structure and diagnostics, a larger …

Reconfigurable electronic platforms: A top-down approach to learn about design and integration of electronic systems

A Rivadeneyra, FJ Romero, M Haider, VD Bhatt… - Micromachines, 2022 - mdpi.com
This case report presents a real example of a study which introduces the use of
reconfigurable platforms in the teaching of electronics engineering to establish a bridge …

Diagnostic data integration using deep neural networks for real-time plasma analysis

AR Garola, R Cavazzana, M Gobbin… - … on Nuclear Science, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recent advances in acquisition equipment are providing experiments with growing amounts
of precise, yet affordable sensors. At the same time, an improved computational power …

[PDF][PDF] A reliable approach to customizing linux kernel using custom build tool-chain for ARM architecture and application to agriculture

M Swain, R Singh, A Gehlot, MF Hashmi… - International Journal of …, 2019 - academia.edu
ARM processors are receiving more attention as per IoT customized devices are concerned.
A novel framework design tool for Linux kernel customization on ARM architecture has been …

OpenCL implementation of an adaptive disruption predictor based on a probabilistic Venn classifier

A Carpeño, M Ruiz, C González, J Vega… - … on Nuclear Science, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The ability and flexibility of the open computing language (OpenCL) for task parallelization
in heterogeneous computing platforms [field-programmable gate array (FPGA), CPU, and …

Exploring software testing strategies used on software applications in the government

AD Cross - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Develo** a defect-free software application is a challenging task. Despite many years of
experience, the intense development of reliable software remains a challenge. For this …

FPGA Theoretical Analysis and Its Advantage Comparison in Artificial Intelligence

B Li - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Image …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the continuous development of The Times and technology, artificial intelligence
algorithm and AI technology based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology …

Reconfigurable Electronic Platforms: A Top-Down Approach to Learn about Design and Integration of Electronic Systems

A Rivadeneyra Torres, FJ Romero Maldonado… - 2022 - digibug.ugr.es
This case report presents a real example of a study which introduces the use of
reconfigurable platforms in the teaching of electronics engineering to establish a bridge …

Manufactura en la nube móvil con sistemas ciber físicos aplicado en impresión 3D

DA Silva Ramírez - 2019 - ricaxcan.uaz.edu.mx
Desde su nacimiento en la Edad de Piedra, la industria ha sufrido cambios y ha
evolucionado para brindar mejores y más eficientes métodos de fabricación, hasta llegar a …