Estimating the movements of terrestrial animal populations using broad-scale occurrence data
As human and automated sensor networks collect increasingly massive volumes of animal
observations, new opportunities have arisen to use these data to infer or track species …
observations, new opportunities have arisen to use these data to infer or track species …
Species-Habitat Associations: Spatial data, predictive models, and ecological insights
Ecologists develop species-habitat association (SHA) models to understand where species
occur, why they are there and where else they might be. This knowledge can be used to …
occur, why they are there and where else they might be. This knowledge can be used to …
[หนังสือ][B] Forest biodiversity in Europe
Executive summary How can we effectively maintain and enhance forest biodiversity in
Europe? hampered efforts to build a standardised, EU-level overview of how forest …
Europe? hampered efforts to build a standardised, EU-level overview of how forest …
Modeling spatially biased citizen science effort through the eBird database
Citizen science databases are increasing in importance as sources of ecological
information, but variability in effort across locations is inherent to such data. Spatially biased …
information, but variability in effort across locations is inherent to such data. Spatially biased …
Assessing the effect of sample bias correction in species distribution models
Open-source biodiversity databases contain a large number of species occurrence records
but are often spatially biased; which affects the reliability of species distribution models …
but are often spatially biased; which affects the reliability of species distribution models …
Integration of presence‐only data from several sources: a case study on dolphins' spatial distribution
Presence‐only data are typical occurrence information used in species distribution
modelling. Data may be originated from different sources, and their integration is a …
modelling. Data may be originated from different sources, and their integration is a …
Incorporating citizen science into IUCN Red List assessments
Many citizen scientists are highly motivated to help address the current extinction crisis.
Their work is making valuable contributions to protecting species by raising awareness …
Their work is making valuable contributions to protecting species by raising awareness …
Consequences of ignoring variable and spatially autocorrelated detection probability in spatial capture-recapture
Context Spatial capture-recapture (SCR) models are increasingly popular for analyzing
wildlife monitoring data. SCR can account for spatial heterogeneity in detection that arises …
wildlife monitoring data. SCR can account for spatial heterogeneity in detection that arises …
Identifying and correcting spatial bias in opportunistic citizen science data for wild ungulates in Norway
Many publications make use of opportunistic data, such as citizen science observation data,
to infer large‐scale properties of species' distributions. However, the few publications that …
to infer large‐scale properties of species' distributions. However, the few publications that …
Estimating the spatial distribution of the white shark in the Mediterranean Sea via an integrated species distribution model accounting for physical barriers
Conserving oceanic apex predators, such as sharks, is of utmost importance. However,
scant abundance and distribution data often challenge understanding the population status …
scant abundance and distribution data often challenge understanding the population status …