Ethical leadership: An integrative review and future research agenda

C Ko, J Ma, R Bartnik, MH Haney, M Kang - Ethics & Behavior, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Over the past decade, ethical leadership has increasingly become one of the most popular
topics in the areas of leadership and business ethics. As a result, there now exists a …

The dark side of interorganizational relationships: An integrative review and research agenda

N Oliveira, F Lumineau - Journal of Management, 2019 -
Scholars across management fields have paid increasing attention to the dark side of
interorganizational relationships. We first summarize the concept of the “dark side” and its …

A meta-analytic review of ethical leadership outcomes and moderators

A Bedi, CM Alpaslan, S Green - Journal of Business Ethics, 2016 - Springer
A growing body of research suggests that follower perceptions of ethical leadership are
associated with beneficial follower outcomes. However, some empirical researchers have …

Ethical leadership: meta-analytic evidence of criterion-related and incremental validity.

TWH Ng, DC Feldman - Journal of applied psychology, 2015 -
This study examines the criterion-related and incremental validity of ethical leadership (EL)
with meta-analytic data. Across 101 samples published over the last 15 years (N= 29,620) …

The curvilinear relationship between ethical leadership and team creativity: The moderating role of team faultlines

S Mo, CD Ling, XY **e our morality in Guanxi context? The moderating effect of corruption perception
B Wu, CH Fang, Q Wang, Q Huang - Emerging Markets Review, 2023 - Elsevier
This study explores the relationship between managerial networking and corporate morality
in a guanxi context where personal relationship is widely used for organizational purposes …

The dual effect of environmental dynamism on proactive resilience: can governance mechanisms negate the dark side?

M Faruquee, A Paulraj, CA Irawan - Production Planning & Control, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Environmental dynamism can drive the need for proactive supply chain resilience
capabilities by requiring the supply chain partners to stay focused and vigilant about …