Multihop lightwave networks: a comparison of store-and-forward and hot-potato routing
AS Acampora, SIA Shah - IEEE Transactions on …, 1992 -
The achievable aggregate capacity for a variant of the basic multihop approach in which
minimum distance store-and-forward routing is replaced by a hot-potato routing algorithm is …
minimum distance store-and-forward routing is replaced by a hot-potato routing algorithm is …
[KNJIGA][B] Основы кибербезопасности. Cтандарты, концепции, методы и средства обеспечения
А Белоус, В Солодуха - 2022 -
Эта книга фактически представляет собой научно-практическую энциклопедию по
современной кибербезопасности. Здесь анализируются предпосылки, история, методы …
современной кибербезопасности. Здесь анализируются предпосылки, история, методы …
A practical application of game theory to optimize selection of hardware trojan detection strategies
J Graf, W Batchelor, S Harper, R Marlow… - Journal of hardware and …, 2020 - Springer
A wide variety of Hardware Trojan countermeasures have been developed, but less work
has been done to determine which are optimal for any given design. To address this, we …
has been done to determine which are optimal for any given design. To address this, we …
[KNJIGA][B] Основы проектирования субмикронных микросхем
А Белоус, В Солодуха, Г Красников - 2022 -
В объеме 14 глав одной книги детально и последовательно рассмотрен весь комплекс
взаимосвязанных теоретических и практических аспектов сквозного проектирования и …
взаимосвязанных теоретических и практических аспектов сквозного проектирования и …
Программные и аппаратные трояны-способы внедрения и методы противодействия
АИ Белоус, ВА Солодуха, СВ Шведов - 2019 -
Впервые в мировой научно-технической литературе в объеме одного комплексного
издания последовательно и детально исследован феномен программных и …
издания последовательно и детально исследован феномен программных и …
Towards a hardware Trojan detection cycle
Intentionally inserted malfunctions in integrated circuits, referred to as Hardware Trojans,
have become an emerging threat. Recently, the scientific community started to propose …
have become an emerging threat. Recently, the scientific community started to propose …
A process for the detection of design-level hardware Trojans using verification methods
C Krieg, M Rathmair, F Schupfer - 2014 IEEE Intl Conf on High …, 2014 -
Hardware Trojans have emerged as a serious threat the past years. Several methods to
detect possible hardware Trojans have been published, most of them aiming at detection …
detect possible hardware Trojans have been published, most of them aiming at detection …
Optimizing programmable logic design security strategies
JP Graf - 2019 -
A wide variety of design security strategies have been developed for programmable logic
devices, but less work has been done to determine which are optimal for any given design …
devices, but less work has been done to determine which are optimal for any given design …
Countermeasures Against Hardware Trojans
A Belous, V Saladukha, A Belous… - Viruses, Hardware and …, 2020 - Springer
This section is essentially a systematized review of the results of studies dedicated to
methods of counteracting hardware Trojans in microcircuits. It should be said from the very …
methods of counteracting hardware Trojans in microcircuits. It should be said from the very …