Human threat management systems: Self-protection and disease avoidance
Humans likely evolved precautionary systems designed to minimize the threats to
reproductive fitness posed by highly interdependent ultrasociality. A review of research on …
reproductive fitness posed by highly interdependent ultrasociality. A review of research on …
Toward a cross-species understanding of empathy
Although signs of empathy have now been well documented in non-human primates, only
during the past few years have systematic observations suggested that a primal form of …
during the past few years have systematic observations suggested that a primal form of …
The behavioral immune system: Implications for social cognition, social interaction, and social influence
The “behavioral immune system” is a motivational system that evolved as a means of
inhibiting contact with disease-causing parasites and that, in contemporary human societies …
inhibiting contact with disease-causing parasites and that, in contemporary human societies …
The behavioral immune system (and why it matters)
Like many other animals, human beings engage in behavioral defenses against infectious
pathogens. The behavioral immune system consists of a suite of psychological mechanisms …
pathogens. The behavioral immune system consists of a suite of psychological mechanisms …
M Schaller - The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, Volume …, 2015 - books.google.com
pathogens. and bacteria ANIMALS Ants (Chapuisat, ENGAGE line their in many Oppliger,
nests with behaviors Magliano, resins that that & inhibit reduce Christe, the their 2007) …
nests with behaviors Magliano, resins that that & inhibit reduce Christe, the their 2007) …
The major histocompatibility complex, sexual selection, and mate choice
M Milinski - Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst., 2006 - annualreviews.org
To maintain sexual reproduction, recombination of good genes through selective mate
choice must achieve a twofold genetic benefit in each generation.“Fragrant” immune genes …
choice must achieve a twofold genetic benefit in each generation.“Fragrant” immune genes …
Interplay of oxytocin, vasopressin, and sex hormones in the regulation of social recognition.
Social Recognition is a fundamental skill that forms the basis of behaviors essential to the
proper functioning of pair or group living in most social species. We review here various …
proper functioning of pair or group living in most social species. We review here various …
Genes, hormones, and circuits: an integrative approach to study the evolution of social behavior
Tremendous progress has been made in our understanding of the ultimate and proximate
mechanisms underlying social behavior, yet an integrative evolutionary analysis of its …
mechanisms underlying social behavior, yet an integrative evolutionary analysis of its …
Male pheromone–stimulated neurogenesis in the adult female brain: possible role in mating behavior.
GK Mak, EK Enwere, C Gregg, T Pakarainen… - Nature …, 2007 - nature.com
The regulation of female reproductive behaviors may involve memories of male pheromone
signatures, formed in part by neural circuitry involving the olfactory bulb and hippocampus …
signatures, formed in part by neural circuitry involving the olfactory bulb and hippocampus …
Adaptation to potential threat: the evolution, neurobiology, and psychopathology of the security motivation system
EZ Woody, H Szechtman - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
The risk of improbable, uncertain, but grave potential dangers poses unique adaptive
challenges. We argue that to manage such risks, a special motivational system evolved …
challenges. We argue that to manage such risks, a special motivational system evolved …