Advancements and opportunities in piezo-(photo) catalytic synthesis of value-added chemicals
Piezo-(photo) catalytic technologies offer a promising solution for accelerating energy
diversification and addressing environmental pollution by converting mechanical and light …
diversification and addressing environmental pollution by converting mechanical and light …
PFAS pollution threatens ecosystems worldwide
Brazil is home to nearly 34% of the world's remaining free-flowing waters (1). However,
hydropower is the backbone of the Brazilian energy system, and the country's expanding …
hydropower is the backbone of the Brazilian energy system, and the country's expanding …
[HTML][HTML] DeepOWT: A global offshore wind turbine data set derived with deep learning from Sentinel-1 data
T Hoeser, S Feuerstein… - Earth System Science Data, 2022 - essd.copernicus.org
Offshore wind energy is at the advent of a massive global expansion. To investigate the
development of the offshore wind energy sector, optimal offshore wind farm locations, or the …
development of the offshore wind energy sector, optimal offshore wind farm locations, or the …
Potential of China's offshore wind energy
S **a, Y Yang, Y Liu - Science, 2023 - science.org
Brazil is home to nearly 34% of the world's remaining free-flowing waters (1). However,
hydropower is the backbone of the Brazilian energy system, and the country's expanding …
hydropower is the backbone of the Brazilian energy system, and the country's expanding …
Conserving Brazil's free-flowing rivers
Brazil is home to nearly 34% of the world's remaining free-flowing waters (1). However,
hydropower is the backbone of the Brazilian energy system, and the country's expanding …
hydropower is the backbone of the Brazilian energy system, and the country's expanding …
[HTML][HTML] Potential Exposure of Aquatic Organisms to Dynamic Visual Cues Originating from Aerial Wind Turbine Blades
BJ Williamson, L Goddijn-Murphy, J McIlvenny… - Fishes, 2024 - mdpi.com
For many aquatic species, vision is important for detecting prey, predators, and conspecifics;
however, the potential impacts of visual cues from offshore wind turbines have not been …
however, the potential impacts of visual cues from offshore wind turbines have not been …