“To Poor and Rich Alike”: Legal Modernisation, the Women's Movement, and Legal Aid in Late-Nineteenth-Century Finland

M Vasara-Aaltonen - Histories of Legal Aid: A Comparative and …, 2022‏ - Springer
As explored in this chapter, public legal aid was first established in Finland in the late
nineteenth century. Industrialisation and urbanisation in the second half of the nineteenth …

Making themselves heard: Women's and men's voice through the regional petitioning process in Sweden, 1758–1880

J Israelsson - 2024‏ - diva-portal.org
Abstract Israelsson, J. 2024. Making themselves heard. Women's and men's voice through
the regional petitioning process in Sweden, 1758–1880. Studia Historica Upsaliensia 276 …

Investigation of Suicides in the Lower Courts

R Miettinen, R Miettinen - Suicide, Law, and Community in Early Modern …, 2019‏ - Springer
This chapter looks more closely at the practical investigation of suspected suicides, which
involved complex tasks in the lower courts. They had to determine the cause of death, the …