Sustainability considerations in digital fabrication design education
Design education utilising digital fabrication is characterised by a dynamic project-based
learning environment in which ideas are embodied in prototypes. This environment affects …
learning environment in which ideas are embodied in prototypes. This environment affects …
Benchmarking AI design skills: insights from ChatGPT's participation in a prototy** hackathon
This study provides insights into the capabilities and performance of generative AI,
specifically ChatGPT, in engineering design. ChatGPT participated in a 48-hour hackathon …
specifically ChatGPT, in engineering design. ChatGPT participated in a 48-hour hackathon …
[HTML][HTML] The prototype taxonomised: Towards the capture, curation, and integration of physical models in new product development
The management of data related to prototypes created during new product development is
seen as a beneficial yet challenging activity. While attempts have been made to understand …
seen as a beneficial yet challenging activity. While attempts have been made to understand …
What, how and when should I prototype? An empirical study of design team prototy** practices at the IDEA challenge hackathon
To improve understanding of prototy** practice at the fuzzy front end of the design
process, this article presents an analysis of a prototy** dataset captured during the IDEA …
process, this article presents an analysis of a prototy** dataset captured during the IDEA …
Data mining prototy** knowledge graphs for design process insights
Advancements in prototy** knowledge capture have resulted in several graph-based
schemas where nodes represent prototy** activities and individuals, and edges represent …
schemas where nodes represent prototy** activities and individuals, and edges represent …
[HTML][HTML] The TrollLabs open hackathon dataset: Generative AI and large language models for prototy** in engineering design
Abstract The TrollLabs Open dataset includes comprehensive information that offers a
comparison of design practices and outcomes between human participants and Generative …
comparison of design practices and outcomes between human participants and Generative …
ChatGPT as an inventor: Eliciting the strengths and weaknesses of current large language models against humans in engineering design
This study compares the design practices and performance of ChatGPT 4.0, a large
language model (LLM), against graduate engineering students in a 48-h prototy** …
language model (LLM), against graduate engineering students in a 48-h prototy** …
Virtually hosted hackathons for design research: lessons learned from the international design engineering annual (IDEA) challenge 2022
The International Design Engineering Annual (IDEA) Challenge is a virtually hosted
hackathon for Engineering Design researchers with aims of: i) generating open access …
hackathon for Engineering Design researchers with aims of: i) generating open access …
[HTML][HTML] IDEA challenge 2022 dataset: Prototypes from a design Hackathon
The IDEA Challenge 2022 prototy** dataset comprises a total of 240 prototype entries
with 1049 edges (connections) and can provide valuable insights into prototy** practices …
with 1049 edges (connections) and can provide valuable insights into prototy** practices …
How should we prototype? Establishing the affordances of prototy** media and approaches
The breadth of media and approaches used when prototy** are vast, with each holding
inherent properties that vary their suitability for a given prototy** activity. While several …
inherent properties that vary their suitability for a given prototy** activity. While several …